Hey Guys Im interested in possibly mining monero with my cpu on a laptop. I'm currently mining zoin but I heard you can mine monero as well with a cpu. Is it still possible to mine it and also does anyone know where I can find a how to guide for mining it with windows 10?
Yes you can mine Monero with your CPU but the issue is that in a laptop your cpu will be running at around 90°C most of the time and will be throttling, which will cause after a while your laptop to break down, being it either the power phases that would run over 120° for an extended of time or your CPU it self.
So my suggestion is that you don't use your laptop and look for a desktop, it's not worth being it in terms of income a few cents that will not offset the price of electricity and putting your laptop under stress.
If you have no other choices and you want to learn about CPU mining, You need to see if you have a fan controller and you can control your laptop fan speed with software such as SpeedFan to ramp up your fan speed high enough and to monitor the temperature. Also if your laptop is off warranty and you are used to open it, try to change the TIM with a better one and get more air to the components as well.
How many of you have actually seen "killed" by mining laptops?
Although it's obviously far from optimal setup for mining, how the hell do you kill a laptop with it? When the temperature rises above certain point the CPU will just start throttling. If it's still not enough and the temperatures are too high it'll just shutdown. It's not 1999 anymore, you don't just "kill" hardware with overheating. If you mine with your laptop long enough, your thermal paste and thermal pads will need to be replaced a lot sooner than from normal use, and your fans might eventually need to be replaced, but you still won't kill your laptop and it's very similar to regular mining rigs where fans also die, especially on cheaper GPUs with sleeve bearing fans (= gigabyte amd rx series).
I have a couple of laptop failling on me not from mining but from numerical simulation such as CFD or thermomecanical simulation, leaving my laptop doing the calculation for a couple of days, resulated after a couple months of dead laptops each time, that's when I coincided to never invest in a highend laptop, and got my self a good desktop and an ultrabook so I do the simulation on the desktop and export the result to the laptop for the sake of presentations for example