I tried your adaptations in the scripts as explained, but when I restart 3main, I do not see the occurrences nicehash founie by the site WTM appear in the list displayed by the papampi script.
I noted that WTma changed the "_" to "-" between the word nicehash and the word of each algorithm. So I modified your code as well in the WTM_AUTO_SWITCH file:
# filter WTM coins by user selection only
for i in reversed (data):
if i ["tag"] == "NICEHASH":
i ["tag"] = "NICE-" + i ["algorithm"]. upper ()
for i in reversed (data):
if i ["tag"] not in includedCoins:
data.remove (i)
Do you have any idea why I do not see the nicehash lines in the list of corners sorted by the papampi script?
EDIT : I also modified
in replacing the uderscores by hyphen/dash in WTM coin selection to the WTM coins in 1bash, i did the same replacements in the 3main associated launching minner's softwares comamnd lines. (what i placed a the end of file.
I don't know why fredeq changed "_" to "-"
If you use "-" in bash you have to cover it properly. So just don't do it. If you use my code as it was please have a look to the WTM.json file. Maybe NICE_SKUNKHASH;NICE_EQUIHASH;NICE_ETHASH;NICE_NEOSCRYPT;NICE_X11GOST;NICE_CRYPTONIGHT;NICE_LYRA2REV2 was not included in the file properly.
for i in reversed (data):
if i ["tag"] not in includedCoins:
data.remove (i)
will remove every coin that is not in the list.
hope this helps.
No pb in using "-" in all modifications you proposed, in all files. and my wtm_switch seems to be perfectly functionnal for nicehash in the coins sélection switchs.
NOTE : i modified my post several times after your responsee and i think I was cautious and checked to see if everything was ok with a tail -f screenlog.0.
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Holy Chinese!