can you explain to me how to set Power limit for GPU-z ?
also when i try to OC on bash file no effect, i must do it in powermizer to work.
On another note I have Asrock H110 BTC+ PRO with 13*P106-100 6GB GPU-z, they all work fine, and i see ppl asking about CPU, G3900 i not enough minimum you should tell them is i3 7100 3.9ghz 2-Cor/4-Thread
i had G3900 but system froze a lot as CPU usage was 70+% now with the i3 everything is good, CPU usage avg. 20-30%
Hum weird u cant set powerlimit ... On 1bash did u set YES on
If YES u have to set individual power limit on 1bash, if NO, u have to set the main powerlimit in 1bash
ok i did this, how do i now see if it actually worked ? i cant use terminal because it just restarts the mining program
U can open a new terminal and just open another putty, u can open as many terminal as u want.
On a terminal do
export DISPLAY=0
watch -n 1 nvidia-smi
Last command provide you info about Fan Speed / Temp / Watt / GPU votality with a permanent refresh every 1 sec, if u want to check only one time just do