Have you been using 2 ATX PSUs or one was server PSU like in my set up? I don't have quick access to new PSUs so swapping them gonna take about 5 days to one week , it's very strange how this error seems to appear in completely unpredictable timings. I also worked out strange thing that when I disconnect the PSUs from each other it seems more stable than with the rele connector synchronizing them , when they are connected it takes a couple of minutes to freeze and otherwise it can work for a couple of hours even with more then 8 cards( using 11 atm seems to be impossible for some reason to plug in all 12 without something crashing).
I can't speak to the actual causes of why it crashes since there are many variables (PSU, motherboard/bios/controllers, GPU manufacturers etc) but after battling with this issue for a few weeks I'm running stable with only one dual PSU system.
That system has all the cards on one PSU and the CPU/Board/PCI-bus molexes on the other PSU.
Hm, Do you mean that one PSU powers CPU/Boards/ additional PCI power molexes and the other one for risers and cards? I've tried again today and been on for 3 hours on 11 cards, seems that 12th one causing some problems all the time. This seems like a new problem now as soon as I install the 12th card the drivers crash, tried different risers and their positions but still no result, the card is okay though , not sure what the cause of that is...
I personally don't really need that relay connector since the server PSU turns itself on as soon as the power is on anyway so I don't have a problem of turning them both on at the same time.
I am trying to find somebody near my location to solder 2 additional Molexes to my server PSU to try and power the board and cards of single PSU instead of using 2 but I am thinking it's not gonna be easy to find a reliable guy for this job...