sure mate here it is mate,
do you mind sharing which website you have downloaded and copied that file (bn.h) in detail (if possible with steps, may help other users too).
One Page back...I sorted the issue by downloading openssl 1.0.1 from their website and copying the "bn.h" after install to \usr\local\include\openssl
It then builds without issue. Hope it helps
Thanks both of you, I've managed to build it too, if any one interested happy to share step by step detail
How much do u get with this new release on nvOC ?
1070 -i 25 / OC : 120 / MC : -500 / PL : 150 : / TL : 70 ( Autotemp ON, watchdog OFF ) 30.5mh/s
I actually mining on ( 0.99% fee ) more detailled stats vs no sense stats on suprnova pool ...
On my 8x GPU rig, one of my card us lower them all the other one by 2mh/s, any idea where that come from ?
Last question, i setup OC: 120 / MC: -500 on all GPU, but i dont get same stats for the nvclock ... Why ?
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:0]):
nvclock=2025, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:1]):
nvclock=2025, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:2]):
nvclock=1885, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:3]):
nvclock=1885, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:4]):
nvclock=1999, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:5]):
nvclock=1911, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:6]):
nvclock=2037, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (m1-desktop:0[gpu:7]):
nvclock=1936, nvclockmin=215,
nvclockmax=2100, nvclockeditable=1, memclock=3553, memclockmin=3552,
memclockmax=3552, memclockeditable=1, memTransferRate=7106, memTransferRatemin=7104, memTransferRatemax=7104, memTransferRateeditable=1
As u can see, that only happen on nvclock the memclock is strictly ident