I am at my wits end trying to get this to boot. I have managed to get it to boot a couple of times, but each time it does it freezes after failing to connect to EWBF(as I currently do not have a connection set up, I need to make some changes to make my wifi dongle work but cannot do this due to the issues) - following restarting it results in a kernel error. About 95% of the time after reflashing to attempt again it doesn't boot and I just get a blank screen after it attempts to boot into Ubuntu (no loading screen).
This happens with both OC and non-OC. Mostly attempting to get this to work on default settings moving forward.
I am using a MSI z170a SLI and 2x GTX 1060's (6gb) with a DVI monitor. Using a SanDisk Extreme 64GB USB stick.
Above 4G decoding is enabled and BIOS has been flashed to the latest 3.A version (issue occured before the flash too).
Has anyone encountered similar problems?
When Above 4G decoding is enabled it is normal to see a black screen while ubuntu is loading.
Maybe this will work:
Ensure the monitor is connected to the primary GPU ( the one in the 16x slot closest to the CPU )
Disconnect the USB or SSD/HHD from the rig.
Fully power off everything: including the PSU.
Press the power button several times to clear any remaining power in the mobo.
Turn the PSU powerswitch back to | "on".
power on (without the USB attached)
See if the bios posts; if you get nothing in 20 seconds; press ctrl + alt + del repeatedly until the system reboots.
Wait and see if the bios posts.
If the bios posts attach the USB key to a USB 2.0 port and press ctrl + alt + delete.
if it boots; stop the mining process before it starts mining:
then go to the top left and click the ubuntu button
type u
and click on software updater
run updates
Let me know if this works.
Thank you for the help on this.
I have now connected this to ethernet.
I've managed to get it to boot without 4G Encoding enabled, though the mining process won't start. Following this I saw your post, I re-enabled 4G Encoding and tried the steps listed.
BIOS posts, but the black screen is present after and it doesn't boot no matter how long I leave it on. Either that or it is not outputting display, but it seems to be the former since the mining process doesn't start (GPU fans don't go to 75%).
EDIT: I have got it working!!
I found that Newbie2017 encountered a similar issue.
I disabled onboard audio, switched PCI-E mode to Gen 1, and enabled Windows 10/8.1 support in the boot settings.
EDIT2: Froze up after 5 minutes of the miner running. GPU0 temp seemed to get quite high(80C) - might be this? Or perhaps that the USB 3.0 key was in a 2.0 port which is too slow for the OS?
EDIT3: Tried closing the mining process and installing updates, but it froze when installing updates.