1. I have 3 1060 from different manufacturers and when I set power limit to anything from 70W to 84W it works on 2 of them but the third one, which is palit, is running always at 94W and it won't get lower, is this something limited by cards bios?
2. In windows with latest drivers I'm getting 22.5-22.8 Mhs in eth per gtx1060 using Claymores miner but in nvOS I'm getting 21Mhs with exactly same settings (core +120, memory +700, PL 84W) Is this typical for eth because of how Claymore wrote his miner for linux or simply I should look for different settings because of OS/driver differences?
nvidia-smi -i 0 --query-gpu=power.min_limit,power.max_limit --format=csv
where -i "number" is the gpu you want to query
regarding second question, I am also seeing discrepancies, try higher overclock or higher PL
also, go for 378 driver!