1/ I just update my miners by using your script update of the dédicated thread on btctalk thread.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.29101637I had some problems. I explain myself.
I propose some modifications in directory miners arboresence to simplify updating miners manually for all (including Linux newbies) :
I made theses modifications myself on my nvOC v19-2.0 and i'm not great experienced like you or stubo or leenoox.
I think it's more easy for anyone to copy or replace in a directory named [latest] for all miners where there is only miners binaries files (and their necessarily librairies), than to make a new directory for each version and modify 0miner and 3main file and ...etc But you can make some little complex scripts that permit to keep old miners if necesary
So i propose to make one directoty for [olds] versions, and one directory for [latests].
Like this
/home/m1/miners/olds/{directory name of miner}/version/
for old versions of miners, and
like this for latest versions of miners :
/home/m1/miners/latest/{directory name of miner}/*
More details of what i propose on this image :
https://imgur.com/Vx36BhM2/ It's not the first time, I had to compile these three miners this evenning :
NAccminer (with bignum error...)
TPccminer (i'm not sur about bignum because i don't hand over ssl librarie in his place yet)
In addition, i
read a lot of time that it's preferable to compile on your own machine than to download from anyone who compile it on his own too.
So i propose you add compilations of theses minning softwares by default in your miners update scripts.
What do you think about this proposition ?
3/ For updating miners softwares, i think you should make a master script that calls each individuals scripts for each miners.
4/ I modify Pasc dierctory because when i test miner, i see it's nicehash sgminer version. So i called it sgminer-nicehash
To summarize :
1/ Big modifications of directories for miners (30 min)
2/ Adding compilation in update script for theses 3 miners i quote above.
3/ Master update script calls each miner individual update script
4/ Renaming pasc folder in his real name.
Continue your good job to make nvOC a real good alternative for mining than ETHos which claim money or fees.
I knew you were going to respond to those who want to "pay" for your good but heavy and long scripting work.
I do not understand why they ask elsewhere, they seem not to see your crypto address in the scripts ... If they want they can give on these addresses. I imagine many others give without saying anything and that's fine. Finally, I hope for you ...