
Topic: [Mining OS] - Manage Your GPU farm the easy way! (30 days free) - page 10. (Read 836109 times)

Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- bzminer-v15.4.3 (New coin: gamepass. Improved rvn, xna, clore, meowcoin, neoxa hashrate on both Nvidia and AMD. Updated throttle option for per gpu/algo control (now used similar to oc_ options). Added --throttle1, --throttle2, and --throttle3 options for command line. Fixed rvn, xna, clore, meowcoin, neoxa out of memory bug. Fixed ergo out of memory bug. Fixed pool carryover stats on reconnects. Fixed kawpow crash on profit switching pools)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- onezerominer-v1.2.1 (Hashrate improvement mostly on 20xx and 30xx gpu series. Added a more robust file downloader with progress bar. Added ability to remove corrupted or unneeded job files)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- rigel-v1.6.4 ((Ergo) Add ERG+ALPH and ERG+ALPH+ZIL mining support (see dual-erg-alph bat/sh script). Bug fixes: (IronFish) Miner frequently reconnects when mining to NiceHash. Miner stops logging if the log files are moved or deleted while it's running)
- srbminer-multi-v2.3.1 (Updated algorithm 'dynex' to support dynexsolve 2.3.0 (new job types, FP64, etc.). Removed support for NVIDIA GPU's on algorithm 'dynex' [temporary].  Fixed dual ERG/ETC/ETH + SHA256DT kernels on some GPU's broken since V2.2.6. Minor bug fixes. Dynex: Nvidia support is temporarily removed due to lack of time - couldn't make it until July 27th. (Switch to dynexsolve 2.3.0))
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- bzminer-v15.4.2  (Further optimized CPU usage. Fixed possible crash with +zil oc switching. Added zil_gpus option. List of gpu indexes for which gpus to mine zil on. If not specified all gpus will mine zil. Fixed rvn, xna, clore, meowcoin, and neoxa dag gen issues (crashes, out of mem). Fixed 2miner, k1pool, f2pool on etc, octa and ethw))
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- miniz-v2.1c1 (Added support for kHeavyHash algorithm (KASPA). Fee: 0.8%. Added support for new ZIL epoch #1. Improvements for CFX, for some NVIDIA gpus. Improved invalid shares on CFX)
- onezerominer-v1.2.0 (This release is mainly to support dynexsolve 2.3.0. Support for ML, SAT and MAXSAT jobs. Adaptive stepsize. Randomized parameters. Double precision accuracy. Note: The hashrates of this version is significantly lower than v1.1.3 because of all the changes made)

Miners update
- rigel-v1.6.3 ((Nexa+ZIL) It is now possible to disable ZIL DAG caching to increase Nexa hashrate on 8GB cards (see below). (ZIL) Add --zil-cache-dag on/off parameter to enable/disable ZIL DAG caching (on by default). (ZIL) Add --zil on/off parameter to enable/disable ZIL mining per GPU individually (on by default). (Ergo) Make ERG hashrate drop less significant during prebuild phase when dual mining ERG+RXD and ERG+KAS. Allow setting two decimals for dual ratio --dual-mode a12:rN.NN. (UI) Display GPU core and memory offsets. (UI) Add "r" key shortcut to redact username/worker (useful when sharing screenshots of miner output). Bug fixes: --dual-mode a1/a2 modes are broken when triple mining)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- tt-miner-v2023.3.0 (Add k1pool for ZIL mining. Support cuda version 12.2)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- lolminer-v1.76a (Fixed a bug causing split pool connections for ZIL mining not working since the epoch change. Fixed a bug causing ZIL dag cache on Nvidia GPUs to not work since the epoch change. Fixed a bug causing a defect ZIL dag to be created on AMD GPUs when mining ETC+ZIL)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- teamblackminer-v1.95 (Added support for ZIL epoch change in all modes. Fixed some crashes)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- bzminer-v15.4.1 (Zil epoch 1 issue fixed. Improved time to zil window status. Fixed clore/xna rejected shares not showing. Fixed reconnection log)
- gminer-v3.41 (Supports Zil mining on epoch #1 for non ZMP protocol)
- rigel-v1.6.2 ((ZIL) Cache DAG for epoch 1, following ZIL epoch change. (Nexa) Add --nexapow-small-lut on/off parameter to enforce using small lookup tables. Display pool latency before the first share submission. Bug fixes:  (Nicehash) unexpected EOF error when mining ETC. Miner crashes when mining ETC + KAS using Turing GPUs)
- teamredminer-v0.10.14 (GPU: Fixed ZIL mining on epoch 1 (instead of epoch 0))
- wildrig-multi-v0.36.10 (Improved memehashv2 for AMD RDNA3 and NVIDIA gpu's(decreased speed on everything else, so stick with 0.36.7). Improved memehashv2 on NVIDIA gpu's and AMD Ploaris/Vega gpu's. Fixed low hashrate of memehashv2 on AMD RDNA gpu's)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.36.7 (lazy release with memehashv2 support)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- nanominer-v3.8.4 (Fixed DAG-based algorithms on AMD RX 7600 (gfx1102): ethash family (ETHW, ETC, Ubiq, Zilliqa, Callisto, etc); progpow family (Raven, FIRO); Octopus (Conflux))
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- xmrig-v6.20.0 (Fixed: receive CUDA loader error. Added Zephyr coin support for solo mining)

Miners update
- rigel-v1.6.1 ((Ergo) Add ERG+KAS and ERG+KAS+ZIL mining support. (Ergo) Add --autolykos2-prebuild parameter to enable/disable dataset prebuild. Improve pool re-connection logic (no delay if previous connection attempt was less than 10s ago). Make troubleshooting overclock issues easier by only logging the error from the first GPU that crashed - most often this is the GPU that needs further OC tweaking. Bug fixes: (Nicehash) unexpected EOF error when mining Nexa and Ergo. Slow hashrate ramp-up if long averaging window is chosen. (Ethash+Iron) division by zero error)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- bzminer-v15.4.0 (Added new coin: clore. Added new coin: xna (Neurai). Fixed low zil, etc, ethw and octa hashrate. Increased dev fee for rvn, meowcoin, and neoxa to 1%. Fixed possible crash on startup. Fixed up some logging)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- rigel-v1.6.0 ((Ergo) Add autolykos2 algorithm (dev fee 1%). ERG+RXD and ERG+RXD+ZIL also supported)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- miniz-v2.0c5 (Fixed gpuoffset/memoffset/power options that were not working properly. Fixed gpuoffset2/memoffset2/power2 options for dual mining)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- srbminer-multi-v2.3.0 (Improved mining performance on algorithm 'dynex'. Reduced miner binary size. Minor bug fixes)
- tt-miner-v2023.2.1 (Fixed a bug in Alephium/Blake3 algo)

Miners update
- tt-miner-v2023.2.2 (Fixes a bug that can led to a crash. Happens if shares are found in a very short time. Fixes a bug that causes the configuration to be stored in the root of the filesystem)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- bzminer-v15.3.0 (Significant improvement to +zil stability. Improved oc switching stability for +zil. Improved overall stability for multi mining (multi_mine_type parallel and alternate). Updated logging. Displaying gpu causing driver crash when main loop not responding. Lowered default hung gpu threshold. Fixed rvn displaying wrong hashrate for AMD cards. Increased accuracy in http gui hashrate graph. Fixed Neoxa on minerpool. Fixed Nvidia metrics crashing when driver is not installed correctly. Fixed possible crash on exit)
- tt-miner-v2023.2.0 (Added ZIL mining. Added ALPH/Blake3)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- rigel-v1.5.3 ((ZIL) Improve stability when switching OC in dual/triple mining. (ZIL) Add --zil-test-intervals parameter to set durations of primary algorithm and Zilliqa sessions in test mode (see readme). Bug fixes:(Nexa) Invalid shares when mining to Nicehash)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- bzminer-v15.2.1 (Significant Ergo efficiency improvement (Nvidia). Minor improvement to Nexa hashrate (Nvidia). Significant hashrate/efficiency improvement to: ergo + radiant. Significant hashrate/efficiency improvement to: ergo + kaspa. Improved zil stability when switching OC's. Improved overall dual+ mining stability. Added pool hr percentage relative to miner hr. Fixed Nexa extranonce for some pools. Added option zil_retain_hashrate to keep last zil hashrate showing in miner. Added option cache_dag for ergo to precalculate the next ergo dag. Reduced ergo + rxd/kaspa startup time. Improved dual mining auto intensity feature)
- rigel-v1.5.2 ((Zilliqa) Fixed The miner crashes or produces very low hashrate when switching to Zil mining. (Nexa) Fixed Performance regression)
Activity: 711
Merit: 12
Miners update
- nanominer-v3.8.3 (Improved Kaspa performance on RDNA3 GPUs up to 10%. Added AMD RX 7600 (and others based on gfx1102) support. Fixed VerusCoin mining protocol issue)
- rigel-v1.5.1 (Fix incorrect parsing of --fan-control parameter (broken in 1.5.0, only last fan control value is applied across all GPUs))
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