
Topic: [Mining OS] - Manage Your GPU farm the easy way! (30 days free) - page 7. (Read 836023 times)

Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- rigel-v1.12.0 ((AIPG) Add AI Power Grid mining support (-a aipg), dev fee 1%. Fixed GPU memory temperatures are not displayed on 545+ drivers, and on some cards with HBM2 memory)
hero member
Activity: 729
Merit: 513
Update v1357
- Fixed OC and fanspeed for NVIDIA - especially on older drivers

SimpleMining images update

- SM-i071h-6.1.57-3-a22.40.6-rf23.20.2-6.2.10-nv535.129.03-u20 (New Beta image with new kernel, newest NV drivers, newest AMD drivers and newer AMD libraries)

Finally the Wi-Fi is working properly!!!
I guess because of the new kernel. Until now, at every rig restart the wi-fi USB stick was not recognizable any more, had to stop the rig for a few minutes and the start it again to work on WiFi.
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- onezerominer-v1.2.8 (Minor hashrate/efficiency improvement on Dynex. Fix an issue with Zilliqa that could result in duplicate shares. Overall improvements on the stability of Dynex)
- rigel-v1.11.1 ((RXD) Minor hashrate/efficiency improvements. Add RTH+PYI, ERG+PYI, CFX+PYI, +ZIL mining support. (PYI, KLS) Fixed Extranonce parsing error when mining to stratum bridges. The miner accepts multiple overclock arguments for the same GPU / clock type instead of displaying an error))
- wildrig-multi-v0.40.4 (fixed --gpu-fan-speed on gpu's with multiple fan control. improved kawpow and other progpow's on NVIDIA Pascal and Ada Lovelace. huge improvement of memehash and skydoge for AMD Vega 56/64/Radeon VII on old PAL drivers. slight improvement of x-like algorithms on AMD RDNA3))
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Update v1357
- Fixed OC and fanspeed for NVIDIA - especially on older drivers

SimpleMining images update
- SM-i068b-5.15.80-a21.50.2-rf22.20.3-5.16.16-nv530.41.03-u20 (New Stable image based on latest beta image. Included all updates)
- SM-i071h-6.1.57-3-a22.40.6-rf23.20.2-6.2.10-nv535.129.03-u20 (New Beta image with new kernel,  newest NV drivers, newest AMD drivers and newer AMD libraries)
- Please remember upgrade first one or just few rigs, not the all at once. If all is ok, then the next part of rigs
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- srbminer-multi-v2.4.4 (Added algorithm 'pyrinhash' (Pyrin) for GPU mining on AMD, fee 0.85%. Added algorithm 'blake3_decred' (Decred) for GPU mining on AMD/NVIDIA, fee 1.0%. Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/PYRINHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3. Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA. Added support for dual mining ETHASH/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA. Added support for dual mining ETCHASH/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA. Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/BLAKE3_DECRED on AMD/NVIDIA. Improved efficiency on algorithm 'blake3_alephium' for AMD RDNA2/RDNA3, NVIDIA. Miner will now create '--gpu-id' parameter values internally (if not already defined) when using an OC parameter that has multiple different values. Minor bug fixes)

Miners update
- teamblackminer-v2.16 (Added new mining algo Firopow on AMD/NVIDIA. Added dual mining ETH+FIRO, ETC+FIRO, ETHB3+FIRO (ZIL+FIRO). Fixed mining startup at some pools. Fixed rejected shares and startup issue in etc+ETHashb3 / eth+ETHashb3 on AMD. Fixed slow dag building on amd for ETC+VTC, EThashB3+VTC ETH+VTC. Fixed issues in KAWPOW/FIROPOW+ZIL with the zil only flag. Fixed KAWPOW/FIROPOW startup on some pools. Fixed rare KAWPOW/FIROPOW crash on building dag. Stale verthash shares sometimes where added to wrong algo. in +vtc mode. Display error message on illegal input parameters. Moved uptime from console printout, and added it into the minute summary. Lowered verthash xintensity to 16 in dual mode. Fix Firopow text output in the job and pool printouts in the console. Added firo-wallet,firo-hostname,firo-port for firo dual mining)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.40.2 (fixed some NVIDIA errors while mining memehash and skydoge. significant improvements of memehash and skydoge on AMD RDNA1 and RDNA2)

Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.40.2a (fixed CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE error on some NVIDIA rigs)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- rigel-v1.11.0 ((PYI) Add pyrinhash algorithm dev fee 1%)
- wildrig-multi-v0.40.0a (improved memehash, skydoge and other x-like algorithms on NVIDIA. fallback to use nvtool on pre-Ampere gpu's for OC)

Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.40.1a (improved memehash up to 20% on NVIDIA Ampere. improved skydoge up to 10% on NVIDIA Ampere. fixed regression of NVIDIA Ada Lovelace. fixed error of wrong worksize on NVIDIA)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- lolminer-v1.81 (Added support to mine Heavyhash-Pyrin (-a PYRIN) on Nvidia Turing and newer / AMD Navi and newer. Fee is 1%. Note: requires a Pyrin stratum pool or adjusted stratum bridge. Please keep an eye open on those. Added support to dual mine EthashB3 and Heavyhash-Pyrin on Nvidia Turing and newer / AMD Navi and newer. Fee is 1% + 1%. Added support to dual mine EthashB3 and Heavyhash-Karlsen on AMD RX 5000 series)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- srbminer-multi-v2.4.3 (Performance improvement on algorithm 'karlsenhash' for some AMD GPUs. Added support for dual mining AUTOLYKOS2/KARLSENHASH on AMD RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3. Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/KARLSENHASH on AMD Ellesmere, RDNA/RDNA2/RDNA3. DevFee for 'karlsenhash' algorithm lowered to 0.85%. Minor bug fixes)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- bzminer-v19.0.0 (New coin: Karlsen (Supports solo mining without bridge). For dynex, replaced pool hr column with pow hr. Added dynex_pow_ratio config option in the cfg column. zil uses epoch 1 by default (prevents initial dag recreation on first zil window))
- lolminer-v1.80a (Added Karlsen support for AMD Vega and Radeon VII)
- onezerominer-v1.2.7 (This version is mainly to support dual mining Dynex and Zil. Add support for Zilliqa(0% fee) Add new options:    --a2    --o2    --w2    --p2    --worker, --worker2    --cclk2    --coff2    --mclk2    --moff2    --fan2    --pl2    --zil-before-script    --zil-after-script    --zil-test    --zil-test-port. Add support for nvtool on hiveos for locking clocks on older gpus. The miner uses nvtool on hiveos as a fallback when the built-in oc functionality fails)
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.9b (fixed hashrate regression of skydoge and other x-like algorithms on old AMD Polaris/Vega)

Miners update
- bzminer-v19.0.1 (Fixed AMD on Karlsen. Other bug fixes)
- rigel-v1.10.1 Add support for Volta architecture (Titan V). Add CFX+KLS and CFX+KLS+ZIL mining support. (KLS) Unexpected EOF error when mining to Mining Rig Rentals)
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.9c (fixed hang on "Start mining" message for some rigs)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- gminer-v3.43 (added KarlsenHash and KarlsenHash+ZIL support for Nvidia)
- lolminer-v1.80 (Massively improved Karlsen mining performance on AMD RX 400, AMD RX 500 (both +45%) and AMD Vega 56 / 64 (both +92%).
  Improved Karlsen mining performance on AMD Radeon VII and AMD RX 5000 GPUs (+12%). Fixes Karlsen performance regression on GTX 16xx GPUs from 1.78 to 1.79)
- teamblackminer-v2.13 (Fixed Ethashb3+kawpow API issue. Reject shares and crash fix in dual mode. Fixed crash in KAWPOW multipool mining on rapid epoch switches. Fix slow dag creation on amd ETH+RVN)
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.9a (removed --opencl-launch, now only possible to set intensity with -i or --gpu-intensity. slightly better memehash, skydoge and other x-like algorithms(depends on gpu))
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- lolminer-v1.79 (Added Karlsen support for AMD RX 400, RX 500, RX Vega*, Radeon VII* and RX 5000 generation GPUs. Slightly improved Karlsen solvers for Nvidia GPUs by approximately 0.5 (Ampere) to 3 % (Pascal cards). Fixed a bug causing FISHHASH-TESTNET solver not submitting shares to testnet server. Fixed a bug causing 1.78 added dual mining codes to not start up on some systems. Fixed a bug causing KLS solver to sometimes segmentation fault. Fixed a bug causing AMD RDNA2 & RDNA3 cards to have low poolside Karlsen hashrate on older drivers)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- lolminer-v1.78a (Fixed a bug causing low amount of Karlsen shares in Windows (introduced in 1.78). Fixed a bug causing a segmentation fault on multiple algorithms when start mining on Nvidia cards (introduced in 1.78). Fixed a bug causing first hashes on Ironfish to be invalid (introduced in 1.78))
- rigel-v1.10.0 ((KLS) Add karlsenhash algorithm (dev fee 1%), including. (KAS) Remove kheavyhash algorithm)
- bzminer-v18.0.0-fix (rebuild package with proper files because of previously prepared 18.0 package contained files from 17.0)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.8 (implemented --zil-reset-oc, it will reset gpu overclock settings when ZIL PoW Window starts. now --gpu-reset-oc will reset gpu overclock settings when ZIL PoW Window ends. fixed logic of --gpu-core-clock, --gpu-memory-clock, --zil-core-clock and --zil-memory-clock, now those parameters will set core/memory clock to default value if use 0 for them. fixed heavyhash for Vega and Radeon VII with new drivers. fixed x22i and x25x for NVIDIA gpu's and AMD RDNA. slight improvement for memehash and skydoge on NVIDIA Ampere and Ada gpu's)

Miners update
- bzminer-v18.0.0 (New coin: Dynex)
- lolminer-v1.78 (Added support for Beam Hash III on Nvidia RTX 4000 and AMD RX 7000. Added support for Heavyhash-Karlsen for Nvidia Pascal and newer and AMD RX 6000 and newer GPUs. Added multiple dual mining options for EthashB3 algorithm (Rethereum).  Added support for the FishHash algorithm (Future Ironfish PoW) for testing purposes. Fixed a bug causing BEAM mining to crash on newer cuda versions. Fixed a bug causing multiple algorithms to show hashrate in wrong place of statistics when running two algorithms on different GPUs. Fixed a bug with Rethereum mining not working on Cuda 11 drivers)
- teamblackminer-v2.12 (Fixed crash when mining on pools with btc payouts in the +ETHB3 and +Kawpow algo. Fixed issues in Kawpow and +kawpow on amd. Fixed api bug)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- srbminer-multi-v2.4.2 (Minor performance improvement on algorithm 'karlsenhash'. Added support for AMD gfx906 (VII) GPU's. Minor bug fixes)
- teamblackminer-v2.11 (Fixed crash in verification of dag. ETH+RVN. Fixed random crash in kawpow startup. Fixed crash on startup on some pools. Fixed gpu timeout in Ethashb3 and +Ethashb3 on AMD)
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.7.1 (lowered driver requirements for NVIDIA gpu's to CUDA 11 compatible drivers 450.80.02+)
- added xmrig-v6.21.0 for CPU mining with GhostRider support
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- teamblackminer-v2.10 (Added fast Ethashb3 support for AMD (old and new cards). Faster Ethashb3 on Nvidia on lower power. Faster cpu verification for less stales and higher poolspeed (ETH/ETC/ETHB3). Improved the pool compability in the Ethashb3 algo. Fixed bug in zil only mode. Sometimes the etchash/ethash dag was calculated at startup. Reduced default verthash intensity to reduce stales. Fixed cpu verification error on Ethproxy pools in the Ethashb3 algo. Fixed api crash in ETH+RVN, ETC+RVN,ETC+ETHB3,ETH+ETHB3 dual mining mode)

Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.6 (one more fix of rejected shares for Mining Core based pools(mining4people, miningandco, etc.). fixed long initialization of NVIDIA gpu's with weak cpu's. fixed broken hmq1725(and some other similar algorithms) on NVIDIA gpu's)

Update v1351
- Improved NVIDIA support stats reading and OC
- Added AMD new GPU models definitions
- Other small fixes and impronments

Dashboard update
- NEW added CPU mining, its available in rig settings
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- srbminer-multi-v2.4.1 (Added algorithm 'karlsenhash' (Karlsen) for GPU mining [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL], fee 1.0%. Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/SHA256DT on AMD/NVIDIA. Lowered devfee on algorithm 'memehash' to 0.85%. Removed algorithms 'randomxl' and 'randomwow'. Added parameter '--gpu-disable-oc' which completely disables built-in OC functionality. Minor bug fixes)
- tt-miner-v2023.4.2 (fix: cuda-grid/cuda-clock supports now selectors to allow settings per algo/coin. new coin: Etica (use -c ETI). new algo: SHA3SOLIDITY for ETI)
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.5 (improved memehash, skydoge and other x-like algorithms on NVIDIA Pascal and Turing. slightly improved rwahash on RDNA3. fixed rejects on some pools like mining4people that sends same job with changed diff. fixed Polaris and Vega support on Linux for x-like algorithms. fixed --zil-another-miner. fixed kawpow and other progpows on pools with switching coins(nicehash, zergpool, zpool, etc.). slightly improved ghostrider for NVIDIA and Intel gpu's(up to 1-2%))

Miners update
- tt-miner-v2023.4.3 (fix: bug in Sha256DT (NOVO-coin). fix: bug in http protocol for Etica. new: coin EGAZ (Etica))
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- xmrig-v6.21.0 (Added SNI option for TLS connections. Updated pricing record size for Zephyr solo mining. Zephyr solo mining: handle multiple outputs)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.2 (significant improvements for skydoge on NVIDIA. removed pufferfish2(waiting for coin to resurrect first). fixed regression on AMD pre-RDNA gpu's for different x-like algorithms)
Activity: 707
Merit: 12
Miners update
- wildrig-multi-v0.39.1 (significant improvements for skydoge and all other x-like algorithms. slight improvements for rwahash. returned memehash with improvements and only 0.75% dev-fee. implemented experimental parameter --zil-another-miner, it will pause mining for ZIL PoW Window so another miner (like official ZILMiner that don't miner ZIL all the time) running in parallel can mine with full hashrate. In addition implemented OC parameters like --zil-core-clock and so on)
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