I understand that at the moment you don't have time to work on Ethereum Classic implementation on simplemining, but do you think this will be available in the future ? Also, does this require a lot of work in comparison with ETH ? Just saw that Dwafpool have now a ETC Pool and I really would like to mine on it.
@Citronick answered you already. But just in case you didn't understand his answer.
First of all Dwarfpool does NOT offer a ETC pool anymore. They deleted it awhile ago.
In SimpleMining you can add custom configurations to Claymore. This allows you to mine other coins as Citronick has already said.
You select "Claymore-eth v9.2"
You select the radio button to specify you want to use this miner.
Underneath that you'll see some text like "Custom Miner Options"
-wd 1 -r 1 -epool stratum+tcp://eth-eu.dwarfpool.com:8008 -ewal $walletETH/$rigName -esm 0 -epsw x -allpools 1 -mport -3333
Change this to read something like:
-wd 1 -r 1 -epool eu1-etc.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal YourETCWalletAddress.$rigName -esm 0 -epsw x -allpools 1 -mport -3333 -allcoins exp
You would need to pick the right ethermine server based on your location.
You would also need to replace "YourETCWalletAddress" with your wallet.
The $rigName allows you to use simple mining's rig naming. It will insert the rig name from simplemining.
The -allcoins exp is required to mine other coins like EXP.