
Topic: mizerydearia's obnoxious health escapade - page 2. (Read 5188 times)

hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
January 26, 2012, 09:37:59 PM
Q: Are you also losing weight?
A: No, still I weigh ~120-125lbs as I have for the last 10+ years.

Q: How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
A: 30

Q: How often do you bathe/shower?
A: Until a few months ago, once a day.  Now still mostly once a day, but sometimes I take two or more baths/showers and have up to four times a day.  The reason for such frequency is so as to exist in a place that seems peaceful from the sensations, and during my additional baths/showers each day, I generally just relax in water and do not use shampoo/conditioner/soap as I'm already clean from a previous bath/shower.

Q: What kind of soap and shampoo do you use?
A: The same kinds I have for most of my life.  Currently and for several years I've been using TRESemmé products: particularly shampoo and conditioner.  And for the last 5-20 years I've been using Dove soap.

Q: Do you know the pH of your water (i.e. do you have "hard water")?
A: I don't, but the water in this home environment that I am currently living in has hard water.  I have lived in this home many times throughout the last 15 years and never had a problem relative to the water.  This health issue began at another living space, but I am not sure of the pH level of the water there.

Can you put this in a more readable format (I do not understand your timestamp)? Once this is done we can attempt to look for a pattern.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
January 26, 2012, 09:29:26 PM
Ok, more questions before I forget them:

Are you also losing weight?

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

How often do you bathe/shower? What kind of soap and shampoo do you use? Do you know the pH of your water (i.e. do you have "hard water")?
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
January 26, 2012, 08:54:37 PM
1) Are you on any medications (holistic or otherwise)?

2) It appears you tried to quantify the intervals, frequencies, intensities, locations, time of day, etc. Can you put this in a more readable format (I do not understand your timestamp)? Once this is done we can attempt to look for a pattern. Also I am not clear on if these "nibbles" are painful or itchy not.

3) Are you constantly picking at your hair and skin? When you say "strand" are you referring to an actual single strand of hair? Do you mean to say the thickness of an individual strand of hair varies over its length? If so, is it usually thinner near the base? Does this occur in patches of hair, or is it only found in isolated strands.

4) Describe the odor. Also, what is the color of your spit? Do you think you produce an excess amount of saliva? Maybe you can spit into a cup all day and measure the volume.

1) No and I haven't taken any medications in at least half a decade.

2) The timestamp is unix epoch timestamp.  Maybe see  Also I'll prepare a web based script to auto convert the timestamps and mention it here when finished.  The itchiness is relative to the intensity in which my mind comprehends the contact/sensation as undesirable and triggering of my touching it with my hand, and oftentimes also rubbing or scratching the affected location to relieve a mild itchiness that subsides upon contact, otherwise if left untouched, the itchiness subsides more slowly as with any other itch left untouched.  There is no pain other than the undesirability of the sensation which in itself is mentally or psychologically painful.  Also, though the sensations are not painful, in consideration of physicality, they are minisculy painful in that they affect a reaction from me to touch the affected area, but again, the sensation subsides.  It's been a while since I've had a mosquito bite, but I almost want to use mosquito bites as a comparison, but I'm not entirely certain from lack of experience with mosquitos in the last few years.

3) Yes, 'strand' of hair is what I meant.  I am not currently picking at my skin, however, regarding my hair, even before this health situation, I would periodically run my fingers through my hair especially so as to detangle it.  It is naturally curly and I've been growing it out for three or four years.  Regarding varying thickness.  As the first missing thicknesses became noticeable, each affected strand of hair still possessed most of its thickness (my hair was very thick since birth) and in just a tiny spot on the strand, perhaps the thickness of the sharp tip of a small hair scissors, there was a missing chunk in which the thickness in that spot would be half or less than half the thickness of the hair.  However, from later observations of hair strands, rotating them so I could see all sides of the strand I noticed that the missing thickness was not all the way around, and was only visible at certain angles.  After over half a year of many of my strands becoming affected I noticed that many of the strands were losing much more of the thickness across the length of the hair, but in many cases, not the entire length.  To me, it seems like the erosion or decay of the strands were gradual and started from the location in which the initial chunks of thickness were missing, and then through days, weeks, months, the thickness of the hairs were eaten/dissolved.  Now my hair strands are very thin, but still they are thick enough to exist and grasp sturdily.  However, several of my hairs have also become noticeably elastic or stretchy.  I'm not sure if it is perhaps the insides of the hair that are naturally stretchy and perhaps an outer protective casing/layer of the hair are not stretchy, or if there is some other explanation, but some of my hairs are stretchier than others.  As of now, the thinness of each hair spans across the entirety of each strand.  A few months ago, the thinness and thickness mix of each hair strand was in random locations in each strand, some perhaps near the base or root, some near the tip, some in middle and again, several strands had several gaps of thicknesses and thinnesses, and again over time the length of each span of thinness became longer and longer until now entire strands have lost all of their thickness.  I am not entirely sure, but I may have some of my hair in a baggy from years ago, that I used for a particular art project, and if so, perhaps I can make use of it to compare it to my current hair.  It will be a while before I can confirm if I still have the hair, if it is even useful.  Last part of the question, initially, it was isolated strands, but over time, the isolatedness of strands became not so isolated as eventually most and all of my hairs became affected.  And now, 99-100% of my hairs are affected.  I can't even find a hair that is unaffected to compare to anymore, which makes it difficult to realize the reality of which my hair was thick at one point.  The only truth I have to my hair having been thick is that of my memory and also especially my parents who are most familiar with me.

next time you wake up in the morning, spit into a glass of water before anything
if it goes stringy and rank you have candida bloom i think
Activity: 853
Merit: 1000
January 26, 2012, 08:22:23 PM
Have you been tested for parasites? There are objective tests yu can get done for this, and if found, it's pretty easy for doctors to kill them with an IV of drugs.

I have not yet even seen a medical doctor.  I shall eventually.

I would go and do this immediately.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
January 26, 2012, 08:15:14 PM
I just found this, so I will add a few more questions:

Summary of health defects:

1) Nibble-like sensations endured at variable intervals, frequencies, intensities and locations on what feels like the external surface (but may be triggered internally also) of my skin.
2) Damaged hair including strands of hairs from all parts of my body, not only my head.  The damage consists of of dissolved like thinness or missing chunks of thickness one or more times on most strands of hairs.
Unlike the above two defects which are a constant, this third defect comes and goes.  I last experienced it very noticeably early December 2011, though it still persists mildly.

3) Odorous saliva in mouth that is stringy and sticky and very noticeable upon awakening after sleeping feeling the need to spit a massive glop of smelly yuck that stringily dangles droolingly from my mouth due to not separating so easily as salival naturally does.  The feeling of disgustingness of affected saliva extends down my throat.

1) It appears you tried to quantify the intervals, frequencies, intensities, locations, time of day, etc. Can you put this in a more readable format (I do not understand your timestamp)? Once this is done we can attempt to look for a pattern. Also I am not clear on if these "nibbles" are painful or itchy not.

2) Are you constantly picking at your hair and skin? When you say "strand" are you referring to an actual single strand of hair? Do you mean to say the thickness of an individual strand of hair varies over its length? If so, is it usually thinner near the base? Does this occur in patches of hair, or is it only found in isolated strands.

3) Describe the odor. Also, what is the color of your spit? Do you think you produce an excess amount of saliva? Maybe you can spit into a cup all day and measure the volume.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500
January 26, 2012, 07:50:48 PM
Ok, mizerydearia. I'm no MD, but  I know more than average about biology. I research neuroscience, so skin/parasites are not my expertise. I say that because, as someone mentioned earlier, if you go to a psychiatrist you will get a psychiatric solution... go to a dermatologist and you'll get a dermatological answer. Likewise, you will tend to get a neurological explanation from me.

First thing is you are way, way too verbose when you describe this stuff. You need to be more concise so people don't have to wade through paragraphs like this to see if you have included relevant info:

Again, to some, this effort of mine may seem quite obnoxious and obsessive compulsive, but, especially with consideration of the corruption of industries and related misinformations as well as the likeliness that I am not all-knowing (like phantomcircuit) and make mistakes, I prefer to emphasize a public full documentation of everything so that in the case I do make a mistake (such as accepting or pursuing something relative to misinformation or other corruptions), that at least it can be recognized more clearly as per the documentation/journalistic approach in that my efforts are revealed to everyone and not just doctors or other 'professionals' that ask.  We are all professionals, whether professionally professional, amateurishly professional, unprofessionally professional, etc.  ^_^

The next thing is that you seem very emotional, and living in an infested apartment (especially your initial experience opening the fridge) sounds like it was very traumatizing. I don't mean to dismiss whats going on with you by calling it psychological, but you need to understand why a doctor may think you would be prone to that type of thing. You also need to understand there are many quacks out there ready to take advantage of you by selling you placebos. On the other hand, the placebo effect can be very strong when it comes to skin sensations, etc.

I am pretty sure everyone has experienced the phantom cell phone in their pocket, or phantom bugs crawling on their skin if crawling around in a cobwebby attic, etc. This may just be an extreme version of that, a kind of PTSD. I'll ask one question at a time.

1) Are you on any medications (holistic or otherwise)?
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
January 26, 2012, 07:15:21 PM
Have you been tested for parasites? There are objective tests yu can get done for this, and if found, it's pretty easy for doctors to kill them with an IV of drugs.

I have not yet even seen a medical doctor.  I shall eventually.
Activity: 853
Merit: 1000
January 26, 2012, 12:00:25 PM
Have you been tested for parasites? There are objective tests yu can get done for this, and if found, it's pretty easy for doctors to kill them with an IV of drugs.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
January 26, 2012, 09:31:59 AM
That study seems quite useful as yet another reiteration to resume consideration towards the patients each having psychological disorders as opposed to actual parasites, but does offer the reality for which investigations were limited such as with "There was no sign of an environmental cause, either, although researchers did not go to each person's house to look around.."

added: But even without the effort to look into each person's home, that is not so necessary, especially considering that whereever I go, whereever I live, the sensations continue.  So, it is not necessary to look into my home environments.  It is more helpful to look at me, to test me, test, study and investigate my hairs, blood, whatever.

As a victim of these very experiences that began a year ago, and the reality of which I know and trust myself (as do practically all people), I shall continue to strive fighting for my freedom to end these sensations so they do not occur anymore (whether they are parasitic or psychological), for it is the mere sensations that are disruptive towards me, and that is my greatest concern, to end them.

And in the case that even with much influence to convince all affected patients (and the rest of the world) that these issues are psychological (as per influence from such 'studies' referenced in the article), what then?  Then effort must be pursued to train the human existence to establish thought processes that do not trigger the result of the sensation felt, as with any other psychological disorder that requires the existence to take mental action whether at their own abilities (which are unlikely) or with the aid of medicines produced within the medical industry that do not curse or destroy the thoughts, but merely allow the patient to subside to a weakened mentality so as to not trigger thought processes to occur, or something else entirely, I'm not entirely sure.  I'm not familiar so much with the medicines relative to psychological disorders.

However, I still strongly believe that my issue is not psychological.  Even with the reality that I see physical events or occurrences that seem to represent a kind of fungal, bacterial or other parasitical existence, it is also easy to include such experiences as per psychological evaluation and consideration as well as to dilute the events with influence suggesting that as per the psychological impairment of myself, that the sights I saw were self-induced or self-inflicted.

To me, with the conscience, understanding and perception that I have as per my experiences, I truly feel that still I suffer something parasitic.  I have seen with my own eyes while holding a strand of hair almost twenty-four inches before them, the tiniest of things clinging upon the strand.  To the touch of my fingers, they did not fall off the strand as I brushed them gently over the span of the hair.  In each occurrence (so far four) of these experiences, the specks of whatever (parasites?) dissolved before my eyes in a minute, and what I had initially felt while brushing my fingers over the strand of hair, was no longer.  However, on the latest such occasion or encounter of the phenomena, I saw what was more disturbingly shocking to me, that helped to strengthen my reality of which this health issue is parasitic and not psychological (again, it is easy to influence anyone that this is still psychological and that I was seeing things or even that I had made up the story in light of self-induced or self-inflicted experiences).  What I saw was another speck of whatever that had dissolved and just as it did, the strand of hair from where the speck was to the rest of the length (about two or three inches) had instantly bent upwards as it cracked.  And what was left afterwards was yet another thinned spot in the strand of hair.  Even before that very experience, for well over half a year I have endured the process of which my hair has become increasingly damaged and started with the first occurences of these thinning spots in which each strand had only one, and most of my strands of hair were unaffected.  Now ALL OF MY STRANDS are so very damaged to the point of more devastating erosion and decay.  And this is only my hair, but I feel it is the same infestation of parasites that has compromised my hair that is also compromising my skin and causing the sensations that I feel upon my skin.  I cannot feel sensations in my hair.  My hairs do not have nerves.  But I can feel on my scalp, and I oftentimes feel sensations upon top of my head, side of my head, neck, etc and everywhere else on my body even recently including a few now internal that I cannot reach to relieve touchingly or scratchingly.

I am under the greatest of influences and considerations that my health issue is NOT psychological and that it is parasitic and I will not give up or be influenced so easily and instead prepare myself usefully to help establish precedent of which the health issue may be realized or discovered to be parasitical.  I have yet to see a psychiatrist or other doctor other than a therapist, but even my one therapist has on several occasions expressed that she believes my issue is not psychological.  I shall not give up.  I shall survive and continue to strive to help contribute towards discovering exactly what it is that is affecting me.  I continue to grow my hair and let it endure damage, and perhaps as it continues to decay and become damaged, perhaps it may be useful to study and test to determine if there are parasites infesting my hair and body.

Also, thanks for sharing the article!  Perhaps I shall contact some of the people named in the article and share with them my public journal and effort.

Also, I referenced the article and my response to my therapist.  I shall not add it to the journal, but instead offer reference to this thread as part of it.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
December 26, 2011, 10:50:38 AM
Though I am not autistic,I found this interesting:

skeptics "saw Asperger’s as an excuse for rudeness — or, worse, a means of pathologizing essentially normal behavior and diverting resources from those who were truly challenged."

and mention it only for the reference to diverting resources (e.g. wealth, time, emotion, etc.) which is impacted by posting of this thread.  You could use those availability of resources to read other posts and pursue other activities.

I may be challenged, but am I truly challenged (as opposed to falsely challenged)?

Also, thanks to link from deego, and although it is not directly related, this TED talk Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria is interesting: "Without your mitochondria you would be no larger than bacteria."

In the talk there is reference to "which compounds body cells can manufacture and which are necessary to consume in order for reactions to happen properly" and also that Terry Wahls has learned that she needs B Vitamins, Sulfur and Antioxidants for her mitochondria to thrive.

I have yet to pursue more activity in regards to preserving and maintaining my health relative to those and other nutrients, but I have prepared an introduction into doing just that as can be seen with "nutrient levels" here.  Perhaps with a blood test or some other sort of test I can have factual informations relating to those nutrients that I can reference as part of my journal and help me to determine what I need to improve.  I have yet to determine or understand how to proceed with obtaining these informations/data.

"And then it occurred to me, that I should get my long list of nutrients from food, that if I did that, I would probably get hundreds, maybe thousands of other compounds that science had yet to name and identify, but would be helpful to my brain and my mytochondria"

"But I didn't know where they were in the food supply.  And neither did the medical techs nor the food science techs with whom I consulted, but the Internet did"

"The Hunter-Gatherer diet has more nutrition than the American Heart Association diet, more nutrition than the American Diabetes Assocation diet and more nutrition than the USDA Food Pyramid diet."

It's interesting that even though my family which are also considerately understanding of health (or so I would believe considering some of their occupations relative to health industry) still are quite abusive with health relative to food choices.  For example during an encounter this year of bringing to their home (where I weas at the time) fast foods and offering some to me which I declined, it had triggered them to become ragingly mad (why u no eat these which we bring for you?).  So, while it is convenient to consider focusing on healthier prospects for all of humanity, there is still a lot of familial and societal opposition that continues to support the thrivingness that is the fast food (and other related) industries including poor selection of foods at grocery/food stores and even poor selection of vegetables, fruits, meats (e.g. monsanto, or cows, pigs, etc fed corn-based diets in which the meats packaged and sold from said cows, and wtf about meat glue? or this O_x ...).

Regarding the comparison of hunter gatherer diets to other diets from the american versions of associations/organizations , it seems that there is a concerted effort to better establish a lesser healthy individual by distributing and propagating such informations (the diets) labeled or branded with their seemingly friendly names and eye candy logos and other imagery which may naturally (or psychologically?) entice humans to participate and rely on such informations and influence and encourage them to preserve and maintain their health accordingly, only to fall victim to pursuing the diets and result with inadequate health and strength to abstain from the need to pursue medical or health expenses relative to the diets.  Anyhow, I look forward to completely ignoring informations from all such organizations as well as the related human peoples behind them as well as the many humans that are not behind those organizations but also share the same distribution of informations, feelings and other efforts to help and instead pave my own way (of course, with some help, but that of which I choose as opposed to that which is suggested to me (especially by doctors) that I am not convinced of).  And, related to help and as part of my journal, I am and will be providing full disclosure of everything (soon I will even start a journal of my food diet also) so that the reality of which all the things related to my humanness can be observed and evaluated in relation to my health.

Again, to some, this effort of mine may seem quite obnoxious and obsessive compulsive, but, especially with consideration of the corruption of industries and related misinformations as well as the likeliness that I am not all-knowing (like phantomcircuit) and make mistakes, I prefer to emphasize a public full documentation of everything so that in the case I do make a mistake (such as accepting or pursuing something relative to misinformation or other corruptions), that at least it can be recognized more clearly as per the documentation/journalistic approach in that my efforts are revealed to everyone and not just doctors or other 'professionals' that ask.  We are all professionals, whether professionally professional, amateurishly professional, unprofessionally professional, etc.  ^_^
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1128
December 26, 2011, 08:16:56 AM
Go to the doctor once and don't pay the medical bill unless you absolutely have to to get another appointment

Good way to ruin your credit rating. 
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
December 26, 2011, 06:21:30 AM
Go to the doctor once and don't pay the medical bill unless you absolutely have to to get another appointment
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
December 25, 2011, 09:18:15 PM
I appreciate the offer to assist and help, for the moment I will not [yet?] accept any donations or generosities (even from my father, whom I'm afraid to burden any longer also in relation to my continued living expenses) to help in relation to my health.  I would first like to make sure I prepare for an effective and efficient plan of action.  That will happen after I contact some doctors and determine how best to proceed.

I do not want to pursue the most frugal of efforts, but I also do not want to waste moneys unnecessarily.  Most especially I do not want to be taken advantage of (by doctors) and find out I owe an incredulously massive amount of money.

I will document all my efforts as part of my journal, and also I can report to this thread about my progress.

Also, I definitely want to provide further proof of my situation so that I can acknowledge the reality of this situation of mine being authentic and not evil scammalicious effort.  At this time there is no such reliable proof and everyone should preserve skepticism before considering any generosity, though I appreciate the sentiment.

For now, I have yet to make calls.

On another note, I prepared the "health-journal" repository at gitorious so that other users can have their own health journals using similar git technology.  If anyone is interested in pursuing similar efforts, let me know.  You may contact me at [email protected] also.
Activity: 853
Merit: 1000
December 25, 2011, 09:00:32 PM
Regarding trying the doctor route, I am a bit worried or concerned about it in relation to how costly it will be and especially to the reality that I have no money.  Well.... I could sell my computers and clothes for money, but that seems ineffective or not enough value to be useful for my health or other expenses.  And I don't think I could manage existing nekkid afterwards for too long, especially during this winter.

Post your bitcoin address here and maybe we can get some money together for you to go to the doctor. I'll put in 25 btc to start.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
December 25, 2011, 08:36:16 PM
Regarding trying the doctor route, I am a bit worried or concerned about it in relation to how costly it will be and especially to the reality that I have no money.  Well.... I could sell my computers and clothes for money, but that seems ineffective or not enough value to be useful for my health or other expenses.  And I don't think I could manage existing nekkid afterwards for too long, especially during this winter.
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
Posts: 69
December 25, 2011, 08:32:22 PM
Also, had you been suffering from a lot of stress prior to the onset of symptoms? Stress shuts down immune activity and increases muscle tension and can cause nerve injury. In my case once I stopped worrying about my condition, I finally started to slowly improve. My advice for you if you don't know what it is yet, you should keep journaling, see more doctors, stay calm, and above all, do the activities that relieve your symptoms as much as possible, because they could be the key to eventually eliminating them.

Doctor first but I agree with what BrightAnarchist is saying too.  I think I recall reading situations that may definitely cause stress that would have physical manifestations.  I have personally dealt with issues very related to stress and it causing my body to react in ways that only relate to symptoms of something else that come out of nowhere.   Best of luck mizery
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
December 25, 2011, 08:25:56 PM
As of yet I haven't seen a neurologist, but I would like to.

I've suffered from various forms of distressful efforts or thoughts throughout my life, some quite severe and overwhelming.  However, at the time I contracted the nibbling sensations, I don't think any stress was involved, though, I had been quite distressed around the time.

I'll provide some brief story-like details.

I lived in Appleton for 6.5 years without any health issues.
(briefly: I do not get along with my parents.)
My father kind of begged me to come to Milwaukee to help him with some things (teaching newly arrived (from another country) family members English and some other work/help for him.  I came to stay with my father in Franklin (Milwaukee), experienced dramas galore, and I eventually stayed with my ex-stepfather for a while, as long as he let me, but it wasn't long.
Without knowing where to go or how to continue surviving, my father insisted I move into a particular apartment in the ghetto of Milwaukee and that he would pay for it for me.  Related to dramas and his effortful initiation of force and other authoritative influences over me, I asked him if I had a choice and he said no.  After having lived there for like six months, everyone that saw the apartment was devastated/shocked at how my father could let me live there.  Anyhow, it was completely putridly disgusting and has greatly affected my consideration that my health issues sparked from living there also because they started shortly after I moved in.  I did not have any health issues just before moving in at all, ever, nada, nothing.

But, even though my health issues started at the same time that I moved into that apartment, that alone does not guarantee or prove that my health issues came from it, and it could be from other things such as distress, but as of yet, that seems quite unlikely or I am not so convinced.  Though, I shall try to keep an open mind. =/
Activity: 853
Merit: 1000
December 25, 2011, 06:55:19 PM
If you think its related to your living environment, I suggest moving.. I know, not easy.. 

Or try staying away from your place for an extended period to gauge response..

I think it originated from a living space, but it has preserved through several spaces including another country and back.  Moving alone will not help.  I must pursue other efforts and remedies to alleviate the situation.  Considering humans are 90-99% microbes/bugs, it seems likely that I will have to pursue some kind of treatment to minimize/reduce or destroy the affected infestation inside my body and perhaps also outside such as on my hairs and floating around like fungal spores.  Though I am not a doctor, and my continued recognization of spore infestation may be inaccurate.

You should get checked for bacteria and parasites just to allieviate your concern about that potential. However, your description seems more neurological to me than caused by any kind of infection. Infection of any type would likely make you sick ( throwing up, etc ) have you seen a neurologist?

Also, had you been suffering from a lot of stress prior to the onset of symptoms? Stress shuts down immune activity and increases muscle tension and can cause nerve injury. In my case once I stopped worrying about my condition, I finally started to slowly improve. My advice for you if you don't know what it is yet, you should keep journaling, see more doctors, stay calm, and above all, do the activities that relieve your symptoms as much as possible, because they could be the key to eventually eliminating them. If a hot bath helps, then do this every day for an hour and see if after a month you notice any difference in symptoms. I sit in a really hot bath every day for about 2-3 hours, and after one month I'm finally really noticing a marked decrease in symptoms. Basically, just journal what you feel symptomatically, and what you were doing physically and how you were feeling emotionally at th onset, and eventually patterns may emerge. With these patterns, you can learn to avoid aggravating thoughts and actions, and pursue what seems to help.

I would try the doctor route for a bit, but if they can't help or figure it out, I would try the approach I have outlined above, if you can find any correlations they could be the key to getting better.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 507
December 24, 2011, 10:06:28 PM
If you think its related to your living environment, I suggest moving.. I know, not easy.. 

Or try staying away from your place for an extended period to gauge response..

I think it originated from a living space, but it has preserved through several spaces including another country and back.  Moving alone will not help.  I must pursue other efforts and remedies to alleviate the situation.  Considering humans are 90-99% microbes/bugs, it seems likely that I will have to pursue some kind of treatment to minimize/reduce or destroy the affected infestation inside my body and perhaps also outside such as on my hairs and floating around like fungal spores.  Though I am not a doctor, and my continued recognization of spore infestation may be inaccurate.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 500
You're fat, because you dont have any pics on FB
December 24, 2011, 09:23:38 PM
If you think its related to your living environment, I suggest moving.. I know, not easy.. 

Or try staying away from your place for an extended period to gauge response..
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