MMM - financial anarchists social network
How MMM works?MMM is a decentralized financial social structure. There are no companies, no LLCs, no contracts, no promises, no guaranties. Just regular people exchange money between themselves based on
set of Sergey Mavrodi recommendations.
There is no central place where all money are kept.
MMM structure is similar to structure of Genghis Khan army. The bottom-level representative node of system called "foremen". They manage money flows between their participants. Actually they keep money backup. There are millions of them. The next level nodes manage money flows between their foremans. And so on going up and up, uniting groups of people, cities, provinces, countries, The World itself.
Backup money are kept only by bottom-level nodes and sometimes by participatns. Every participant must have a foreman.
MMM has internal virtual currency called MAVRO. When you make deposit - you buy MAVRO. MAVRO rates always grow from 20% to 75% a month (RALLY!!!). If you want to sell your MAVRO - you can do it at any time
by rates published on MMM website to your or other foreman.
It is impossible to destroy such structure. If foreman disappears for some reason, participants are moved to another foreman and their internal MAVRO deposits stay not affected by such incident.
Who am I?I am a participant of MMM.
What MMM offers? Since 23 Apr 2012 MMM offers single deposit plan
40% per month (complex, exponental percent)Only until 1 May 15 May 2012: You get
bonus 50% to your deposit. Bonus is valid only if you dont withdraw money within 1 month.
Official Russian MMM website is: (It is 40th in Russian Alexa Top;1/RU, - Central Bank of Russia is 47th and is 42th)
Russian site has a link to English version: yes, ITS A FINANCIAL PYRAMID!
MMM & Sergey Mavrodi. The Truth the Government doesn't w★nt you to know!!
How to participate?You can contact me directly for advise and consultation:
Forum PM
[email protected]jabber:
[email protected]I will give you advises and forward you to official foremen.
Payment systems accepted:
Liberty Reserve,
Bitcoin, various bank transfers.
If you need a bank transfer, I will search for a foreman with needed bank account in your region.
About Bitcoins:You are able to buy or sell MAVRO-D virtual currency for Bitcoins with current Volume rate. Comission is about 5% (no my own comission here).
REGISTRATIONAnyone who want to register - do it here: (may still not work) OR (english form at the bottom)
Use invite code:
pentThen you can ask me to deposit BTC.
Note: I suggest to hold funds at least two weeks (20%) to get valuable profit with compensation of intermediate rates for Bitcoins.
Financial PyraMMMid MOVIE (english version)Is a story about MMM'94. Full movie
The Pyrammmid 2011 in english amateur translation.