Yeah, sounds familiar :-)
Weird, last night was a jump to 100 Th/s for a while, then it dumped again. Hm, will connect some new miners tomorrow.....
that was phil putting rentals in
yeah you are correct:
Estimated Payout
Rank ---- Id --- DGM Estimate ---- PPS ------- Shares ------ Rate (MHash/s)
1 7c9016f6 2.92249520 0.23683098 4,736,619,618 5,171,141
the 5.2th is 4 sp20's. which is what I keep here.
every once in a while i pop 20 or 30 or 40 th for a few hours.
i'll be back for the night tonight with a few TH/s
on a different worker. see if you can ascertain which one