
Topic: - 1.5% fee DGM/PPS - tx fees/vardiff/merge mine/tor - page 73. (Read 361941 times)

Activity: 96
Merit: 10

no worries, glad to have been of assistance  Grin

Hi Raskul,
I've placed d=1024 at my S2 and the result is good (according to myself as I've compared to previous 12 hours rejected scores) Smiley, i placed 512 on it but the machine got bigger rejected scores, so i replaced it with 1024 and it's good. I think each machine has their own sense regarding diff...mine likes to be used 1024 Cheesy



Lets work for this pool then, hope it would be good.
Thanks a lot!
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
S3's work fine d=160 at mmpool, it just took me lots of tries to get it right.

My s1 and s2 are doing great for last 30 minutes, still to early i guess...but they're good since the rejected is only 1 now, will check the result again this afternoon Smiley
S3 are a little bit cheaper in my country now raskul, that's why it'll be my next machine to be placed at mmpool i hope....and with d=160 according to your hard work in trying many diff using S3, there's nothing i can do but THANKS Cheesy

no worries, glad to have been of assistance  Grin
Activity: 96
Merit: 10
S3's work fine d=160 at mmpool, it just took me lots of tries to get it right.

My s1 and s2 are doing great for last 30 minutes, still too early i guess...but they're good since the rejected is only 1 now, will check the result again this afternoon Smiley
S3 are a little bit cheaper in my country now raskul, that's why it'll be my next machine to be placed at mmpool i hope....and with d=160 according to your hard work in trying many diff using S3, there's nothing i can do but THANKS Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

try the 1TH/s at d=512 and the 6TH/s at d=3072

i *think* you will see little to no rejects with these difficulty settings.
best luck!

ADD: Oh! PS. when i rent, i go looking for SP-Tech rigs available for rental, with those, you really can just put x as password.

PPS. my S3's were a bitch to get right at mmpool

Will do that raskul, this is great!
SP- Tech is a beast machine! One of my fave machine, hope can have it one day  Cry

hahaha thank you, will avoid that bitch to be rented from now on then Cheesy

S3's work fine d=160 at mmpool, it just took me lots of tries to get it right.
Activity: 96
Merit: 10

try the 1TH/s at d=512 and the 6TH/s at d=3072

i *think* you will see little to no rejects with these difficulty settings.
best luck!

ADD: Oh! PS. when i rent, i go looking for SP-Tech rigs available for rental, with those, you really can just put x as password.

PPS. my S3's were a bitch to get right at mmpool

Will do that raskul, this is great!
SP- Tech is a beast machine! One of my fave machine, hope can have it one day  Cry

hahaha thank you, will avoid that bitch to be rented from now on then Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

you're welcome

it would help to know what the individual miners are that you are renting, and the only problem i've encountered in mmpool is that you have one single worker to which, all your miners point. being able to specify workers for each miner would be preferable, but i get around it...

I have tried in the past to set an 'overall' difficulty which corresponds to the full hashrate, but gotten many this is why i set individual difficulty on each miner. mmpool seems to like the setting at a lower difficulty than your hashrate, for some reason.

under 1TH/s, i set d=256 or d=160 or d=128 (depending on the miner hashrate)
so, for up to 1TH/s, i set d=512
for up to 2TH/s, i set d=1024

and so on...

not sure if this will help in your particular scenario but this method works ok for me

My machines are restarting with d=128 and d=512 i'll check for the upcoming hours to be compared with previous diff I've placed.  Wink
I got it now raskul, I've rented 2 machines with 1 TH each and 1 machine with 6 TH, will try to put those diffs at each setting now, hope they'll be good.

Need to add more machines at home i guess, since i rented rigs for trial and error at many pools looking for the best result.....S3 could be rational for me...for now....for a long term.
Thank you.

try the 1TH/s at d=512 and the 6TH/s at d=3072

i *think* you will see little to no rejects with these difficulty settings.
best luck!

ADD: Oh! PS. when i rent, i go looking for SP-Tech rigs available for rental, with those, you really can just put x as password.

PPS. my S3's were a bitch to get right at mmpool
Activity: 96
Merit: 10

you're welcome

it would help to know what the individual miners are that you are renting, and the only problem i've encountered in mmpool is that you have one single worker to which, all your miners point. being able to specify workers for each miner would be preferable, but i get around it...

I have tried in the past to set an 'overall' difficulty which corresponds to the full hashrate, but gotten many this is why i set individual difficulty on each miner. mmpool seems to like the setting at a lower difficulty than your hashrate, for some reason.

under 1TH/s, i set d=256 or d=160 or d=128 (depending on the miner hashrate)
so, for up to 1TH/s, i set d=512
for up to 2TH/s, i set d=1024

and so on...

not sure if this will help in your particular scenario but this method works ok for me

My machines are restarting with d=128 and d=512 i'll check for the upcoming hours to be compared with previous diff I've placed.  Wink
I got it now raskul, I've rented 2 machines with 1 TH each and 1 machine with 6 TH, will try to put those diffs at each setting now, hope they'll be good.

Need to add more machines at home i guess, since i rented rigs for trial and error at many pools looking for the best result.....S3 could be rational for me...for now....for a long term.
Thank you.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

While 3 of my rented rigs are pulled back to slushpool since the hashing rate are horrible and i'm not quite sure about the machine type,they could be form a farm or something....or do we have to set their diff base according to their advertised hashing speed?

Once again, thank you.

you're welcome

it would help to know what the individual miners are that you are renting, and the only problem i've encountered in mmpool is that you have one single worker to which, all your miners point. being able to specify workers for each miner would be preferable, but i get around it...

I have tried in the past to set an 'overall' difficulty which corresponds to the full hashrate, but gotten many this is why i set individual difficulty on each miner. mmpool seems to like the setting at a lower difficulty than your hashrate, for some reason.

under 1TH/s, i set d=256 or d=160 or d=128 (depending on the miner hashrate)
so, for up to 1TH/s, i set d=512
for up to 2TH/s, i set d=1024

and so on...

not sure if this will help in your particular scenario but this method works ok for me

Activity: 96
Merit: 10
i'd set the s1 d=128
and the s2 d=512

you should see less rejects with that.

that's great! i will set those diff at my machine now  Smiley
thanks a lot raskul.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
i'd set the s1 d=128
and the s2 d=512

you should see less rejects with that.
Activity: 96
Merit: 10

 mmpool will take a couple of hours to show your full power.

If you can be more specific which miners you have pointed, i can possibly help with diff levels to use?

I set my s3's at d=160
My sp10's at d=1024
My sp20 at d=1024

Thanks a lot for your reply raskul.

My S1 and S2 are at home, both are using the "x" only for the password but the hashing speed is good at average as pasted below.

Elapsed    GH/S(5s)    GH/S(avg)
12h14m55s  1,013.79    1,005.85

Do i have to set d=256 for S1 and d=1024 for S2?

While 3 of my rented rigs are pulled back to slushpool since the hashing rate are horrible and i'm not quite sure about the machine type,they could be form a farm or something....or do we have to set their diff base according to their advertised hashing speed?

Once again, thank you.

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

I've rented some rigs for this pool and placed my own 2 machines from home to this pool, why the hashing speed from the rented machine is not as good as advertised?
I'm using a standard diff rate at home (just "x" for the password) and my machines are doing good. Do we have to set up for a specific diff rate or something?
Thank You for any advises.

 mmpool will take a couple of hours to show your full power.

If you can be more specific which miners you have pointed, i can possibly help with diff levels to use?

I set my s3's at d=160
My sp10's at d=1024
My sp20 at d=1024

Activity: 96
Merit: 10

I've rented some rigs for this pool and placed my own 2 machines from home to this pool, why the hashing speed from the rented machine is not as good as advertised?
I'm using a standard diff rate at home (just "x" for the password) and my machines are doing good. Do we have to set up for a specific diff rate or something?
Thank You for any advises.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Activity: 119
Merit: 10
I found rentals! =)
hero member
Activity: 1249
Merit: 506
First dgm pool for me as a newbie miner....hope it would be good  Smiley

Just have patience. (:
Activity: 96
Merit: 10
First dgm pool for me as a newbie miner....hope it would be good  Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Just rented 50th for 1 hour .  my fingers  are crossed

let us know how that SP20 fares on mmpool?

I will test mmpool on tues.

the sp20e works fine.  but right now a lot of my gear has rolled over and off mmpool  is there an issue with the pool?

looks like you may catch up, if not overtake me on shares submitted in the next day. 2 of my SP10's are being shipped back from hosting and my SP20 is still 'on holiday'(™).

I just ordered another s20E

I used your referral  link.

Thanks again.
Bleary eyed and not out of bed yet; we hit a block yet?
Activity: 4326
Merit: 8950
'The right to privacy matters'
Just rented 50th for 1 hour .  my fingers  are crossed

let us know how that SP20 fares on mmpool?

I will test mmpool on tues.

the sp20e works fine.  but right now a lot of my gear has rolled over and off mmpool  is there an issue with the pool?

looks like you may catch up, if not overtake me on shares submitted in the next day. 2 of my SP10's are being shipped back from hosting and my SP20 is still 'on holiday'(™).

I just ordered another s20E

I used your referral  link.

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Just rented 50th for 1 hour .  my fingers  are crossed

let us know how that SP20 fares on mmpool?

I will test mmpool on tues.

the sp20e works fine.  but right now a lot of my gear has rolled over and off mmpool  is there an issue with the pool?

looks like you may catch up, if not overtake me on shares submitted in the next day. 2 of my SP10's are being shipped back from hosting and my SP20 is still 'on holiday'(™).
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