I'm profoundly saddened at the passing away of our dear muhamed ali who was a great legendary boxer.
He was truely the greatest in the world of boxing who always stuck by the rules of the game and was a fair and just boxer.
The world of boxing has become a LOT poorer with his death. When we hear of boxing undoubtedly mr Ali's name instantly strikes to our mind.
No one can replace this legend.
Rest in peace great boxer.
HOW AND WHY?..Never done nothing for me or changed my life not in any way what so ever..
Are you kidding? Mohammed Ali is the reason the draft got abolished in the USA. He took the US govt to court when they tried to draft him for Vietnam, and spent some time in jail as the case went through all the district courts - but it reached the Supreme Court which ruled that it was illegal to draft someone in peacetime (Congress had not declared war on Vietnam).
Ali was freed, and shortly afterwards the US govt abolished conscription and switched to a volunteer army.
So the reason you haven't been drafted to serve in Afghanistan is because Mohammed Ali won a landmark Supreme Court case. You probably owe your life to him.
BULLSHIT..You know nothing..
On April 28, 1967, with the United States at war in Vietnam, Ali refused to be inducted into the armed forces, saying “I ain't got no quarrel with those Vietcong.” On June 20, 1967, Ali was convicted of draft evasion, sentenced to five years in prison, fined $10,000 and banned from boxing for three years.
Now in Britain..Fifty years ago, at the dawn of the cultural revolution of the 60s, there had never been so many ex-soldiers and ex-sailors in British history. Mods and peaceniks were reacting against generations that had been mobilised during two world wars. Yet the militarisation of British society was not just the outcome of war. Under the National Service Act, introduced in 1947, healthy males aged 18 or over were obliged to serve in the armed forces for 18 months. After the outbreak of the Korean war in 1950, the length of service was raised to two years – more onerous than elsewhere in Europe. In practice national service was a catch-all for men born between 1927 and 1939 whose childhoods had already been overcast by economic depression, wartime bombing and evacuation. Although its abolition was announced in 1957, it continued until 1960, and the last conscripts were not demobbed until 1963
He was a great boxer END OF A shit human