Money is one of our most important part in our life and we all work for money. I accept that money can buy a house, car, dresses and all things which we need in our day today life. But can money bring us true happiness???
A small incident which is making me feel if Money is the only thing we need in life. One of my cousin is married and have 2 kids and the younger one is just a year old. They are planning to leave their kids with their parents and go to a foreign country to earn more money. I cant imagine if both of them can be happy without seeing their kids or money has made them to take this decision. Do you think its a right decision?
Also,Why is money so important in our life?
I can understand their discussion about going to a foreign country to make more money.
They are trying to make an easier life for their kids with that being stated it comes with a price just like you said: "I cant imagine if both of them can be happy without seeing their kids" They won't be happy but they known it's for the better good.
"Why money is so important in our life"- It's how we can exchange goods in between us human beings. Back in the time you would trade items for items.
Example-I got a hammer that I would like to trade for a bag of carrots, you on the other hand have the bag yet you are willing to trade it for a screwdriver, that way it's much more harder to get any exchange done with our personal goods and we developed a system that goes with the common payment and not with X Y Z items.