A small incident which is making me feel if Money is the only thing we need in life. One of my cousin is married and have 2 kids and the younger one is just a year old. They are planning to leave their kids with their parents and go to a foreign country to earn more money. I cant imagine if both of them can be happy without seeing their kids or money has made them to take this decision. Do you think its a right decision?
Also,Why is money so important in our life?
I can not understand why people are negative about money. Money will not give happiness? But thanks to money you can make your life comfortable, you can get new emotions from different cities and new dishes, you can save a loved one from death. Is this not happiness?
People just want to provide their children with all the best
I agree with you that if you will give the child money then when he grows up he will have a better life. Maybe if the parents will give the money from life's experience and lesson and trained them to become good keeper of money then for sure money truly gives the necessary survival kit for this modern world. Those who do not experience to become poor will be having a hard time if they were not taught how to keep their money.