I don't see a correlation between money and happiness.
In my country we use to say that money doesn't buy you happiness. I would rather have a family that loves me than to be rich.
You would rather have...so it means you don't have either, and at this point how do you think you can say it for sure?
As for that saying, maybe it doesn't bring happiness if you're a total moron but in all the examples people like to give as arguments I see only people that got rich, then lost the money they won, and end badly. So basically it was losing the money that got them unhappy. Well, maybe money won't bring you happiness but I challenge you to find someone who thinks poverty brings anything other than gloom and despair.
We all love to quote those sayings, act all poetic and righteous but I wonder how many of those claiming money won't make them happy would stop at stabbing their own relatives in the back for a couple of millions? Yeah, it's easy to say now I won't do it, but keep saying the same with the money in front of you!
This for me is somewhat counterintuitive... given rising inequality within developed nations over recent decades, we might have expected the lines to run the other way (although the chart does stop at 2007). There are of course many other potential factors to consider;
Pretty simple, the difference in what makes you happy is also proportional to the income.
A user that has bought his first 10 yo car with $2k car is happy with it, it makes noise, it's not comfortable, it can't go over 90, but he made a great deal, he is happy. A guy buying a 200k Mercedes finds one day that the tire pressure indicator on one of the wheels is off, he goes infuriated to the dealer and demands it to be fixed immediately cursing all day for the time lost. It's more about expectations and self-beliefs than actual happiness.
Same for people, for some who have been living all their life in poverty finding a 10mp2 home and having in reserve enough money for food for one year is awesome, for somebody in Europe who had never experienced poverty or job insecurity not affording one year to travel abroad to some tropical island because he has to pay tuition for two kinds can make them unhappy. But make the first case live in the same conditions as the second for 10 years and after that having just 10k in his savings would also make him distress and discouraged.