OP's point is funny, and I just want to say that gender does not determine anyone's happiness from birth. The great process we receive in life to adapt/resist is pure nature to lead us to self-improvement. Simply put, it's a balance that we don't realize, perhaps it's just the OP's worldview that is entangled with this issue that makes the distinction. I see my grandmother, mother, sister, and female friends.... they have their own happiness and it is not material issues that dominate their emotions, I also learned that material things are just that means to happiness, but in truth we have many different means to happiness.
tell you a story
I never knew love and never been in a relationship with a girl (at least a physical human female) but I know who had it.
there was a couple who loved each others since age 6 and no it wasn't children's love as they still together even in high school.
they grow up together and they did everything together, there were both poor but the girl's family paid for college where the man's family didn't.
she meet some spoiled brat who's father owned a cement factory or something I don't know the details but he was filthy rich.
one single visit to the brat mansion and the girl dumped her poor boyfriend never to see him again.
literally one singler visit to a mansion made her forget about 12 years of love between the two.
In reality love is a lie poor people tell themselves so they can reproduce that's why you never see a rich guy failed to find the love of his life, but many poor do.
one more thing
have you ever wondered why all the rich people (except for Jews since they are inbred) have a very beautiful children?
because they simply can make ANY poor girl fall in love with them.
the reality is that females only care about material, when they can't find it they result to "love" and at least 99% of them are like that so brining some examples out of the circle won't change my view.
Happiness is always free which both the rich and the poor can derive especially when they're less worried in the mind, being amidst beautiful faces, positive minded people and when they can get reach to their essential needs while having money's an addition to be proudly happy of felling ontop of the world.
Everyone deserves to be happy and every deserves to be rich and not about being a well deserved irresponsibilities of everything either a male or female.
There's a proverb that say what a man can do, a woman can do better so Op I don't know where your point is coming from. Besides it fells incomplete without having money because you could watch your kids die on starvation and feeling depressed when you can't afford to buy them the little attracted things that only money can buy.
Do you also know that there's sum of huge money in agriculture as you may imply "farmers richer than merchants"?
Let me also tell you, during my high school days, my School senior prefect used was a female and she merited that because she was more brilliant and smarter than the guys l. So I don't know about the dump lazy heads you mean about belittling females. I can only agree with you that they're fond of things that glitters and that's simply because they're born of fashions.
not all farmer are rich and not all of them are richer than merchants, even if the farmer been richer merchant still far richer than solders.
and just because a women scored better in your school doesn't make her smart.
women always do better in schools than most boys because there mind don't reprocess everything questionably a few times like your brain.
this is why 90% of the ads are aimed towards females, they are easily to buy the products than men.
[moderator's note: multiple posts have been merged]