interesting question but what would you do with this info?
The more informations investors can have the more awareness of the choices they will take.
Agree wiht you that's a very interesting question.
What choice? you cant invest in specific site just invest in the bankroll so it is useless. Moneypot just need the graph for the total of all moneypot and not for every site
The choice of keep on investing on moneypot or not, the choice of rising or lowering the amount invested once you know where the profit/loss comes from...and so on.
yep that makes sense (at least for me)
and I would even say that it would be also good for us the app owners (app owners are also investing) to know which app is doing good or bad etc especially because there are many many unverified apps with a lot of volume produced by the owner itself. doesn't mean that it is a bad thing but it still would be nice to see the full stats of all apps.
just my 2 satoshi
Also if the investors' profit goes up by 5 BTC you don't know how much under/over the expected value that is because you don't know how much house edge the app that has been making that profit has.
As an investor you wanna know if you were just lucky or if you can expect consistent earnings over a long period of time.
Lastly, the investment model is also built on the fact that investors have an interest in advertising the site that they're invested in. That would be easier if they knew which app was worth to push atm.
Combo is right this why I post and play at moneypot site investor help bankroll but is investor job to spread word for helping volume one man cannot do all.