Oh i see thanks
Yes, I'm currently hashing about 2.50 MH, however, the lower the hashrate, the longer the it takes to find a block reward, on the other hand, the higher the hashpower, the quicker the reward. Ex, when I hashed at 250 MH, I received a reward about every 30 minutes, roughly 120,000 Moon.
Is there a way to give an estimate as to how much hash power mooncoin needs to prevent the chain grinding to halt every once in a while? Of course transactions will go through but the 90s block time is not met currently with current hash power. Is it some kind of multi pool that switches to moon coin for very short periods of time?
That's a great question, I'm not sure. However, a little over a week ago I was hashing 1 GH for 18 hrs, I recall the block chain moving a lot faster during that period. But it would be nice to find what hashrate is required to keep the chain moving efficiently without over paying.
It's not about the hashrate as such. It is all about how constant the hashrate is kept (that's why it went OK, when you dedicated 1 GH/sec., as this is already expensive for the current price, so the big hopping miners don't dare to mine and keep away).
The problem at the moment is, that big miners switch on to the Moonchain if the difficulty is low, so the next three to ten blocks are found within a minute or two. Then the algo raises the difficulty to adjust the block time back to 90 seconds on average. As soon as the big miner (farm) realizes this, they hop to the next coin to take advantage of the low diff on that chain. They run scripts to constantly check, which coin is the cheapest for them to mine at any given time. The much smaller miners with 2-10 MH/sec. or so then have to mine at the high difficulty, until they find the next block and the algo can calculate the next (much lower) difficulty for finding the next block. Finding the next block after the biggies dropped Mooncoin takes a long time now, of course, because the hashrate is much lower. However, just in that moment the script of the biggies has already recognized the dropped difficulty, too and they jump on again. And the game starts over and over again. They will, however, only dedicate just as much hashrate as needed to get some cheap rewards, so it does not matter, if the hashrate is low or high, it is all only relative - for them; they have enough horsepower and the calculation-scripts to drive Mooncoin crazy with this, even with the improved DigiShield which is already faster than the previously used KGW. They just calculate the right amount to mine as cheap as possible and off they are until it's cheap (for them) again. That is what we can see at the moment. This would only end, if Mooncoin gets in to Litecoin-spheres, with hashrates so high. that no one of those biggies is relevant anymore and the hashrate is nearly constant over long periods of time, because joining and leaving miners of any size nearly don't matter. That is exactly why we need to think PoW over and switch to PoS - or at least change the algo to something that prevents ASICs from distrubing MOONs blockchain. There's a reason why so many coins don't use scrypt anymore nowadays or have switched to PoS or a combination of PoW and PoS.