Perhaps these transitions would not be necessary if society would just recognize trans people the way they want to be recognized. If you,re looking for people to blame, blame the people who won't let women with penises into the bathroom. Don't blame a mother trying to protect her child from a society that hates its natural physical form.
But the debate isn't as simple as that and doesn't end there. I am a Man. I was born a man. I identify as a straight man. But what if I want to tell people I'm a gay trans woman. A woman with a penis as you say. Or I'm gender fluid and some days I want to be a woman and othertimes I want to be a man even though they're either all lies or I just want attention and to feel special and listened to. Does that grant me access to the women's toilets now? Liberals would seemingly argue my case that I should be allowed in the woman's bathroom if I want but that's ridiculous. This discussion is bigger than just letting people do what they want based on what they say they are and you don't need to respect everybody who says they're one thing when they're clearly not. I think there are bigger issues than gender neutral bathrooms as most people probably can coexist with them and we already have gender neutral bathrooms in some places, but there is a reason why we have separate ones. I personally don't mind them as I'm not a creep or a pervert and I can use them without trying to hit on or accost women, but I'm not the one who's at threat here.
There's a good discussion between Ben Shapiro & Blaire White on YouTube. Blair White is a transgender woman but is actually a voice of reason who speaks logically. So much so that the trans community has actually turned against her which says a lot about them as a whole and I would recommend watching it and her other videos. Source: Conover of Adam Ruins Everything was also on Joe Rogan yesterday and the trans issue came up and the whole issues of transitioning as a child came up. Adam was taking the typical liberal view and saying its fine and should be encouraged and Rogan was destroying him on everything and I recommend watching it. The whole trans athlete thing comes up as well which is another ridiculous scenario this trans issue has caused. Source: reality, there is no "rise of the transexual movement." There is only the media hype of issues surrounding a very, very small percentage of the population. This is part of the media setting the issues their handlers want you to talk about and think about.
I would disagree. It's becoming more popular because it's getting more mainstream exposure and now snowflakes spot it and start adopting it because they now have something to be discriminated against and it has a snowball effect. As I mentioned before, if you raised children on a desert island they probably wouldn't have these issues. It's because you can go on youtube and bloggers are talking about how they're non-binary genderfluid trans and gay that gives other people the idea that they can be too. If they weren't exposed to this nonsense I don't think someone would randomly decide they're gender-fluid. As I said before, I'm all for gay and trans rights but I think many people are just jumping on the bandwagon because they can and there's nothing stopping them and liberals pander to them because that's what they do and both sides should be able to discuss their opinion without just being shut down by being shouted at or labled whateverphobic.
In reality, there is no "rise of the transexual movement." There is only the media hype of issues surrounding a very, very small percentage of the population.
There is probably a small increase in the number of transexual people recently, but only because of the media hype you discuss.
It is undeniable that the left has made "transexual" rights a talking point and a way to reduce everyone else's rights by way of being forced to change to appease the needs of well under less than 1% of the population.
I think liberalism has gone too far now. The left has gone so far left they're coming back around on themselves and verging on fascism and anyone who doesn't agree with them must be silenced or punished. They really don't care about free speech; they just want to shout and scream the loudest to make sure the attention is on them and that's how they win their 'debates'. They don't debate but just shout and scream to drown out the oppositions opinion.