As Alan stated in his thread (, Armory as a business is essentially in limbo for the time being. That thread is locked on purpose, if you'd like to discuss it, please do so here instead.
The reality is that Armory's IP is in a state of pseudo deadlock. There was an attempt to have it acquired by another company in order to keep funding development, but the time cost of such an acquisition got the best us. Simply put it takes too long to get things right and resume operations in a way that satisfies all parties involved. In the mean time, people aren't getting paid and they eventually run out of resources.
There is a financial reality that every one has to deal with, and unfortunately it has caught up with us. It pains me to see so many talented developers leave this space, even more so knowing how long they stuck around on their own dime. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with these people and I would like to thank them for their effort, passion and dedication.
Now, moving forward, I appear to be the deranged hippie of the band, for I still believe I have a few punches left in me. As such, I will be resuming open source development of Armory. It will take place on my own public github repo, forked from the last state of Alan's own repo. This means 2 things:
1) Development has to resume from 0.93.3 due to the IP entanglement. It means I'll be spending my first few weeks as lead reimplementing the DB changes behind version 0.94.
2) All the IP up to 0.93.3 is property of Armory Technologies Inc. (ATI), under GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.
3) All new code I submit to my fork will be my property, under the MIT license.
My current plans for development are as follow (in descending priority):
1) 0.94 DB changes
2) BIP32/44 support
3) SegWit and RBF support (hopefully Im done with the new wallets before SegWit goes live on the mainnet)
4) Everything else
EDIT: for the sake of speed and simplicity, I will not redevelop supernode along the 0.94 DB changes. I am phasing that feature out for the moment, until I got time to enjoy redeveloping it.
As for funding, this all done on my own resources. I have no job currently, as I want to catch up with all that Armory is missing. However, as an Armory user and a member of this community, you should expect the following: at some point it is likely I will ask for development to be crowd funded. That day isn't here yet and it isn't guaranteed that it will ever come. If it does come, here is what will happen:
I will ask the community to pay me for further development. I'll list a set of features to develop, let users discuss them, modify them, propose new ones, change the priority around, all the good stuff. With that said I will lay out a time estimate for each task, and a hourly fee. That part will be discussed with the community too. Once we get to an agreement, these figures will used for a crowd funding campaign. If the targets are met, I will continue to work Armory full time. If they are not, I will have to get a job and work on Armory on my free time. I'm fine with either possibilities but I'd rather work on Armory full time if I had a choice.