Anything special you needed to do to get the M.2 to PCIe converter to work on the Gaming M5? What BIOS version are you using and what are your BIOS settings for PCI and monitor?
my bios is the latest version, i enabled 4g decoding, the gen1,gen2 setting is auto, disable integreted video card, plug hdmi monitor to the first Pcie 16x, m.2 closest to CPU works, the other m.2 doesn't work. I haven't try Windows, I use nvOC, a customized linux, can be found in this forum.
now 8 cards works very stable, 7 1050ti and 1 1060.
btw, CPU is g3900.
Thanks. How much system RAM do you have?
I have more m.2 to pcie converters arriving this week along with another 4GB RAM so I'll be able to do more testing very soon.
What issues (if any) did you encounter plugging HDMI monitor into other cards?
Did you disable other things like sound, serial i/o, etc?
Do you have any automated startup routines to undervolt and/or overclock (using nvidia-smi and nvidia-settings)?