Oh he earned it... by running a business. What did you do today?
I worked for a business... One that doesn't keep money in a Cypress bank, and pays minimum wage.
Oh, and I mined for bitcoins, and litecoins and namecoins...
And I made IMVU-credits and Lindens and traded some silver...
And I borrowed a few thousand from Cypress... Not paying them back... They are a foreign bank... They can give me a bad grade on my credit report... What are they going to do, raise the value of the dollar menu again, to get my money?
Funny thing is... I am retired. Have been since I was 19. It is amazing what you can actually do without money, without debit, without banks, without taxes (ok, little taxes), and with no expectations only accepting anything that comes, as a reward.
Best thing you can do is go broke and learn to live with nothing. That is when you realize you never actually had anything in the first place. Just a bunch of junk that you only think is of value.
(This coming from a man with over a dozen computers, monitors, electronic devices, millions of drawings and business plans, and lives off the dollar-menu at McDonalds. No I am not fat. I only eat once a day. I don't eat like a pig. I eat only what my body needs. I buy only things I need and crap that is fun to play with.
Man Geek toys. lol.)