My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?
We need more background information.
Are you good looking/handsome/attractive? Scale of 1 through 10 what would most girls say you are? How old are you? Are you immature? Is she immature and wants to party? Is she actually smart or is she annoying and all about herself? What build are you? How tall are you? Are you really funny? Are you shy and that is turning her off? Was her ex an asshole type of guy that rough housed around a lot and she wants you to do that?
There are so many things that play into this. my current girlfriend of 6 years (6 years tomorrow) loves everything about me. I am funny most of the time, serious when I need to be, I goof around and forget things like a regular guy would, I'm not over protective of her in any capacity. We live together for past 2 years, I am 6 foot tall, good looking(generally most of my friends who are girls agree), funny, supportive, agressive, blah blah blah. I am basically everything and I have no qualms about being a little bit of every personality. I can be argumentative or I can be agreeable, it depends on what is called for. I can be stubborn or I can change my mind.
A lot of different situations come up in a relationship that sometimes are hard to know what to do in the moment. Luckily I have dated a few other girls before Rachel, I had a serious relationship before her too that almost got to two years. I am now 25 and Rachel will be 25 soon.
If you seriously gave me a list of a bunch of things I could give you a really solid answer. I am litterally the guy everyone comes to with their problems whether I want them to tell me or not. Every single person I ever talked with feels like they can open up to me. That is because I don't outwardly judge anyone most of the time(unless its close friends and we can handle eachothers BS hehe).
But for real you need to supply more info that she misses her ex. You might need to learn how to get her to move on, and if you can't then there is nothing you can do.