.if you needed a friend to deposit a large sum of cash into my bank account you would call ALICE??? WTF
Hahah let me listen to your advice on things please. hahaha
If it does not get stolen, spent on crack, blown-up, shot, thrown over board, burned, eaten, or freely given away to that lovely man who said he would help alice carry it to a different bank that was run by fluffy tailed squirrels ... Foxpoop get over here please you are going to lap this one up.
Of course. Because if there's one thing I love lapping up more than the taint sweat of my alleged merit/trust buddies, it's the equally hot and salty pretzels you so lovingly make by twisting other people's words.
If I was sick and needed a friend to deposit a large sum of cash into my bank account, I’d call Alice… Unless her boyfriend, Bob is around.
unless conjunction
except under the circumstances that; except on the condition that.
Clearly, DireWolf's point is that he will
not in fact call Alice to handle his large sum of cash, precisely
because of her relationship with Bob. Trust you to read the opposite of the actual meaning because you don't know what a simple word like "unless" means.
LOL at you devouring your own pretzels freshly expelled semi undigested by your merit cycling , trust inclusions/ exclusions " alleged but fully observable" friends.
"unless" it is rather that you can not read... he will ask alice unless her boyfriend is not around at the time. That does not mitigate ANY of the potential hazards of letting Alice anywhere out of your sight with a large wad of your cash. Unless you could install some reality of the REAL world and her REAL associations.
Well done for accusing us of twisting others words whilst you twist our words and dire posting burger flipper words. Brilliant agent fox poop. ALso willing at once to accept a scenario magnitudes less probable than some girl having her phone grabbed from her and shouting at the thief give my phone back or I report this to the cops. LOL what a vile merit cycling vixen.
And then Agent foxpoop said..... hahahaah
So a good way to not have honest people on DT is to say they have bad judgement and rather have scammers on DT because you say they have good judgement. See how this works you take away the objectively verifiable HAVE THEY SCAMMED OR BEEN INVOLVED IN FINANCIAL WRONG DOING ( lots of DT1 have been) then you replace it with some subjective garbage LIKE do we the scammers on DT SAY they have good judgement or bad judgement so along with the subjective merits we give out its ike a double security measure to make sure we don't get honest people who will stop our scheme we have going.
Really though,
Alice probably designed our DT election process (then was talked into making it worse by jeff and bob) then went off believing all those very kind and respectful people on meta that are very nice to her (face) are also to be trusted to act totally selflessly when there is money on the table and no more accountability to anyone except themselves. Also didn't notice that they were a bunch of servile sneaky back stabbing scamming trust abusing scum who like to feel they at last have some small amount of power at long last after being bullied all of their pathetic lives.
Luckily some of those excellent people on meta have been trying to back stab alice lately and not been so nice she notices. Alice is starting to wonder if these people are not as trustworthy as she originally thought. Let's see how it progresses now that her REAL friends have shown up on meta to reveal the TRUTH to alice that she has been taken for a mug and it is time to face the observable instances of wrong doing that those nice friends on meta have been up to , and how they have clubbed together to silence her new REAL friends whilst attempting to stay in positions of power to cream off all of the best sig campaigns and act out their revenge for being bullied all of their lives. If Alice wants REAL friends who want to really help her then she must stop assisting those back stabbing, scamming, and ruthless slime balls silencing via spamming, trolling, trust abuse, weaponizing gamed and abused metrics.
That's all to complex for most meta dwellers and far too long. These posts are primarily for the people that will read this board as students of the root hub of the paradigm shift that is about to take place, and Alice if she is waking up.
Alice (the real alice) may be intelligent but has been brought up by a scientist on an island 300 nautical miles SSW of the Fiji
Actually that scene in twins with the smooth talking fellow underwear admirer is brilliant. It is almost a perfect analogy of how it works around here. Suchmoon befriends Him, then signals for tman or lauda on the bike to grab the case of money and goods.... haha then after they are accidentally harmed whilst robbing (given red trust and booted off DT the first time) he takes pitty on his poor new pals and tries to help fix the damage. LOL brilliant
Here is the suchmoon edited version that cuts out the part where she signals to her pals to steal the case to make it look like theymos just being careless and inconsiderate and heavyhanded..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS-zP7JWJUoany witnesses that have the full clip then please produce it.
The scene where jeff asks alice to LIFT the merits bar to 250 earned. Helping those poor victims that could be out there about to be harmed if the wrong people with not sufficient cycled merits were to get on DT.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADFz4JYOVWwYou see if you raise a members merit score to greater than 250 then the automatic assumption they are trustworthy cuts in and you can scam and get away with it.
Movie of alice once she has been on the mainland a while and met a new REAL FRIEND and REAL LEGEND discussing their latest views on bob an jeff and their merit cycling bitches haha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzvFNLAnYNwOR perhaps...
Theymos arriving at meta board for another long day ahead...haha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DjGVcFwD3IVod clearly having a good time...lol
Meanwhile cryptohunter (played by the same actor our fav) on route to the DT1 merit cycling party....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9FYBjSc3cUExcuse me I forgot to introduce myself " I'm Cryptohunter and I love my unsullied trust score".... haha
Tman I don't like you using foul language, not a classy auction scammer like you haha
What a true lengend that guy was.