For sure as long there are only wins, no-one will really ask where the money comes from.
Except several people are asking that, including me.
How do you know we won't give an explanation in the case of lose?
I don't. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you haven't committed to doing that. With legitimate investments, the investors know what they're investing in so they can assess the risks and assure themselves that both profits and losses are legitimate.
As soon there will be loses, we will give an explanation why and what happened. Not at least for not losing our members. We're are here for communication and since the beginning we're behind our customers, that's the way we stay on.
It's too late at that point. If you say, "Sorry, I lost all your money. I said it was high risk. I went to Vegas and put it all on black. Here's proof I did that," what can an investor do? Of course if they knew you were going to do that, they never would have invested.
We gave an explanation how we earn money, not sure if a (more?) legitimate investment is doing more?
Except the explanation is totally implausible and totally unverifiable. Every Ponzi scheme has an explanation of how they are going to make money. They're often implausible and always unverifiable.
To date, every single HYIP has proven to be a scam. And I do not believe an honest person would pitch a legitimate scheme in such a way that only a person who would fall for a HYIP scheme would invest in it.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that your scheme is totally legitimate and you really do have some incredibly way to make money that you must keep secret for it to work. Of course, there is no way anyone can verify this. So anyone who would invest in your scheme would also invest in an identically pitched scheme that was a Ponzi scheme. And since every HYIP to date has proven to be a scam, the odds that yours is a scam, as estimated by a reasonable investor, have to be somewhere around 99.99%. It is a pretty incredibly stupid thing to invest in a Ponzi scheme -- we all know that the average such investor must lose money. So you are intentionally pitching an investment that you know only an idiot would invest in. Personally, I can think of only one reason you would do that.