At the moment I'm using as an exchange for BTC to NLG coins and reverse. However, when I send or withdraw BTC or NLG coins to/from it takes quite some time (1+ hours) for it has been confirmed which makes the coins stay on pending deposits for quite a long time. I already sent an e-mail to Bittrex asking them about this issue but unfortunate I still haven't received any answer from them yet.
Is this a normal situation and do you experience the same thing?
Thanks in advance!
When I used to send btc to kraken it would take an hour at least. I think this is because the potential result of a double-spend attack on an exchange would be devastating. It makes sense that if your main job is making sure that every user is able to use the resources you promised to them, that you take extra effort to check that you indeed have those resources and that they belong to the user.