Hvala na odgovorima
u Linksa sam nabavio uredaj.
Probao sam iskljuciti antivirus, nije pomoglo.
Probao sam tamo u device manager, usb portovi rade provijerio sam s bezicnim misem i tipkovnicom. Nema nis zuto za eventualni update.
Probao sam i s kabelima, njih 3, nista.
Poslao sam upit na support, dobio sam odgovor 1..
1.Open Ledger Live.
2.Windows : Right-click on Ledger Live and run as an Administrator.
Connect your Ledger Nano S.
3.Go to the Manager tab in Ledger Live on your computer and click on Continue.
4.If the loader is at 100% and the device stays stuck on Bootloader
Odgovorio sam..
Thx for quick response.
I Run Ledger Live as Administrator, but
i dont have Manager Tab in Ledger Live, check screen shoot pls.
So i can not complete these steps.
Dobio sam odgovor 2.
Thank you for reaching out to Ledger Support. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the problem you've encountered. My name is Tiago and I will gladly assist you.
You need to finish the configuration of Ledger Live before being able to access the "Manager" Tab, please, click on get started and follow the steps asked in Ledger Live.
https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006395233-Take-your-first-stepsPlease don’t hesitate to let me know if you need further assistance.
Odgovorio sam s snimkom desktopa sta se dogada s Ledger live desktop aplikacijom pa ce valjda bolje skuzit i predlozit nesto
Uf koliki post, sry. Pogledat cu reddit..
A covjek bi ocekivao da ce nesto sto platis 450KN raditi ko Svicarski sat.
Nemam mogucnost pristupa drugom racunalu trenutno. Ima neki i pad na poslu..sutra cu pogledat mogu li se spojit s Ledgerom.