I might suggest using x dollars per month to repurchase seats and use them for giveaways.
We have terminated seats we could use for the giveaways (if people wanted) so purchasing more for this purpose wouldn't be necessary.
whats the differenced between mint seats or just have the seats? Why the value are different? I were about to put my seats for sale... but it looks like no one is trading or buying them... soo i just hope some marketplace or even a buyback happens. I had read there is a big ammount in hands what will be done with that???
Minted Seats are seats linked to a coin. When purchasing one a majority of the costs are for the silver content, minting, engraving, address generation, holograms, assembly, design, and shipping. None of those costs are necessary for online seats, so they are obviously much cheaper and will receive the same share of distributions making them far more likely to have a greater return than their minted counterparts.
If the seats aren't selling at auction, I would say they are priced too high. The problem here in my opinion is that those who believe in the organization think that seats will be worth far more one day, and those who don't believe think they are worthless. This is a major gap between buyers and sellers that can only be bridged with time. We are quickly approaching our 10 years of successful operation date, and at some point I would think all those screaming scam and Ponzi will eventually realize that they are wasting their time attacking an honest organization they should be supporting, while those who believe will continue being rewarded for doing so.
A buyback doesn't make sense to me at this time. We want to grow the organization, not shrink it. A buyback would immediately reduce the member count, and funnel our savings to those who want to abandon the organization instead of help it thrive. Not what I want to achieve in either case. A far more likely scenario would be sending our savings to nastyfans to be distributed to all seats, which may occur at some point if our savings continues to grow as it is already beyond what I'd be willing to manage as far as a mining operation.