...rising BTC prices (for BTC that I spent on those securities and no longer have), and the continuing failure of BFL to deliver.
rising / higher? ... Sure, there's a very slow increase in the past few years, but in the past few months it's always VERY unstable prices:
The bubble finally burst today, I noticed after I got back from running errands at or around 17:43:18 (local NY time)
BTCUSD ticker:
Best bid: 172.10000
Best ask: 178.53399
Bid-ask spread: 6.43399
Last trade: 178.53399
24 hour volume: 157429.83859094
24 hour low: 105.00000
24 hour high: 266.00000
24 hour vwap: 197.23543
Today was quite the day, think a lot of people that are new really got hit hard. When you put things in perspective though - the fact that the price dipped to where it was a month ago at the worst and a week ago as of now ~180...it could have been a lot worse.
Either way, we're going to be profitable, and I can't wait until BFL ships!