curious - as the site states that online purchasers can "mint" their seats why are minted seat owners who register on the site not treated the same as online seat owners.
This is because they are traded on the secondary market and this can't be accurately tracked. You keep harping on this same thing no matter how many times it gets explained to you. It's a really simple concept. The way you want to do it would create a ton of problems with people trying to claim coins they don't own, people claiming winning tickets for coins they've previously sold, new owners wondering why the previous owner claimed their winnings, people wanting us to resolve conflicts between multiple parties claiming they all own the same coin, etc... I'm not messing with any of that. I would suggest for you to start doing your own giveaways and you can do them any poorly thought out way you want.
I "harp" on it because it makes no sense and no valid explanation has been provided. All your answers make the assumption that I know/understand how it all works - you never take the time to explain anything. You just tell me it has already been explained and for me to go read back thru a 200 page thread to find the answer.
You say you can verify who owns an online seat but cannot verify who owns a minted seat. If the seat owner registers their seat, then it should be verifiable. What is the difference? Are you using the private keys to track ownership of the online seat owners? Is the only way an online seat can be transferred between owners is thru the nastyfans auction? no other way to sell/transfer?
If so - then I can somewhat see what you are saying but then also say that is easy to resolve.
As for the new owners complaining that the old owners claimed their winnings - wouldn't the new owner have registered their seat? and thus the old owner could not claim anything? If they don't register then they lose anyways. People transfer ownership of things every day. This really would be no different.
To resolve it would indeed require more work - and from what you say you don't want that additional work. Fair enough.
Also - I do many giveaways - so no need to be passive aggressive with your assumption that all other giveaways than yours are "poorly thought out"
Seeing as you wont answer clearly - I wont ask again (in all seriousness, I asked repeatedly because I thought maybe you were slow and could not understand the questions).
You can consider the questions above to be rhetorical (that means they don't need to be answered).