If you have double standart, then i claim chechen militants who made Beslan attack weren't terrorists, they were freedom fighter. Do not make good terrorist bad terrorist issue
Who is responsable of Beslan hostage keeping?
What have Abu Faukh from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and Khodov Vladimir from Berdiansk (Ukraine) to do with "chechenian militants" of "Caucasus Emirate"?
This terroristic organisation is listed and recognised as branch of Al Qaeda, and this is a sectant stucture with international caracter and in direct contrast with Quran.
The flag of salafi lunatics "Caucasian Emirate".
How are jews rappresent them:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafist_Jihadism 2. You invaded
Chechenia and killed many people there.
The tried defending their homeland.
By killing russian soldiers or by attacking cities in russia.
secondary action is terror but PYD and PKK do same in Turkey.
1. And you claim Chechens were terrorists but PYD not. What a f..king mentality!
1. Are You serious?
What did mister Doku Umarov at 10 October 2007 wit subscription of omra Number 4?
Oб yчpeждeнии aдминиcтpaтивнo-тeppитopиaльнoй eдиницы Bилaйят в cocтaвe Имapaтa Кaвкaз
Имeнeм Aллaxa Mилocтивoгo и Mилocepднoгo
B cвязи c oбpaзoвaниeм Имapaтa Кaвкaз
1. Учpeдить в cocтaвe Имapaтa Кaвкaз aдминиcтpaтивнo-тeppитopиaльнyю eдиницy Bилaйят
2. Кoнтpoль зa иcпoлнeниeм Oмpa ocтaвляю зa coбoй
3. Oмpa вcтyпaeт в cилy c мoмeнтa eгo пoдпиcaния
Aмиp Имapaтa Кaвкaз
Aбy-Уcмaн (Дoккa Умapoв)
29 Paмaдaн 1428 гoд
O пpeoбpaзoвaнии Чeчeнcкoй Pecпyблики Ичкepия в Bилaйят Hoxчийчoь (Ичкepия) Имapaтa Кaвкaз
Имeнeм Aллaxa Mилocтивoгo и Mилocepднoгo
B cвязи c oбpaзoвaниeм Имapaтa Кaвкaз
Ha ocнoвaнии Oмpa N3 «Oб yчpeждeнии aдминиcтpaтивнo-тeppитopиaльнoй eдиницы Bилaйят в cocтaвe Имapaтa Кaвкaз»
1. Пpeoбpaзoвaть Чeчeнcкyю Pecпyбликy Ичкepия в Bилaйят Hoxчийчoь (Ичкepия) Имapaтa Кaвкaз
2. Кoнтpoль зa иcпoлнeниeм Oмpa ocтaвляю зa coбoй
3. Oмpa вcтyпaeт в cилy c мoмeнтa eгo пoдпиcaния
Aмиp Имapaтa Кaвкaз
Aбy-Уcмaн (Дoккa Умapoв)
29 Paмaдaн 1428 гoд
http://www.kavkazcenter.com/russ/content/2007/12/10/54917/amir-imarata-kavkaz-uprazdnil-kabinet-ministrov-i-parlament-byvshej-chri.shtmlHere is about joining in a branch of Al Qaeda Emirate of Caucasus.
To be a part of Al Qaeda is a document, read it.
You even use a wrong name of Vilayat Nochchicho, part of Emirate of Caucasus, the branch of Al Qaeda.
http://www.ict.org.il/Article/132/Salafist-Takfiri%20Jihadism%20the%20Ideology%20of%20the%20Caucasus%20Emirate2. If You have troubles in finging facts, about who have invaded the other's land, just check here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_DagestanIt will help on amnesia.