When you bet over/under you need to take 1.90 minimum, if not more ... and if you bookie doesn't have it - look for another one who does.
Do you mean there would have been a bookie that'd have offered that same over 310.5 ?! As far as I can tell, as at the time I placed the bet that what was the the best I could get, I did check a couple of websites.
I guess you're probably not as knowledgeable as I think or we just seem to have different perspectives about odds, why are the Odds there ? Isn't it about the likelihood of event to occurr ?!
You mean I'd have to take Odds of 1.9 or always regardless of my view about the outcome of an event simply because of my Bankroll ? Maybe I'm indeed terrible but I'd rather keep going for Odds of ~ 1.40 - ~ 1.70 when I think I have a relatively high chance of winning rather than taking higher odds with no chance I could win.