this is true. Absolutely I agree... Trusting is important. I need information so I can help. How will I get this information ?
I think private scanning software with python for this or try another method, i need check i need look , i need test more test ? How ? He will come my house ? How is it going to be. That is the law of this universe.
I want help but this is very hard progress in here ...
Best Regards.
Why don't you just guide him instead?
For me, you don't need to check and look and test the owner can able to do this and tell you what it looks like and the information you need if it isn't risky then the owner can share it publicly here except for important data it shouldn't be shared here or to you.
About how then why? Why would he come to your house? Unless you are trusted he can able to go there but if not, that's risky.
25 year experience. im 45 years old. Developing software is easy. It is difficult to detect.
You are right too. I will write what to do.
Step 1 : You need detect fat system for sector scannig. Fat12/16/32 bla bla. If ntfs its hard
because it has an authorization system. Found !!! the file does not mean accessing it.
Step 2 : How long it was used after format. Fat system is changed ? Which sectors were rebuilt ? or Which sectors were owerwrite ?
Step 3 : Is there a partition ? if yes you remember partition location for your data ? If your data on second or third partition your chances are higher.
Step 4 : After the determinations are made, the appropriate tool or software should be found and the audit should be started.
You dont know python or c++ i recomended "Deep Scan" tools from Easeus Software for you. Dont forget you need sector based scan. Not partition or not another.
if you want help write here please