Seems this question is quite childish but it's reality that only project and development can't lead in market. marketing is the most !!
so please provide the best suggestion of marketing, promotion, advertising and different platforms. except bounty campaign !!!
Looking forward your reply
You do not need to pay a penny, at least in the beginning of the project, in order to establish a serious marketing effort which will bring some great awareness about who you are (person, company) and what you do.
Not saying that investing in companies that will engage in all the PR endeavours for you is bad, but if you are in your first steps and you count every penny, then going low-budget (or no-budget at all) would be more advisable, until you have managed to acquire some decent funds to back your (paid) Marketing efforts.
Your marketing teamFor starters, consider how many people form your marketing team. Is it a small team or a one-man's role for the time being?
Discuss with them their strengths and weaknesses around the different Social Media platforms. Ideally, you should assign each Social Media platform to a different person according to their expertise and his weekly availability. If you are the only marketeer, consider starting with only using two Social Media platforms - tops. Our suggestion would be 1. bitcointalk.org (by far the best for all things blockchain and crypto) and 2. Twitter (plenty of room to expand there and touch base with great influencers and also your audience).
Your resourcesStart by discussing with your team about the creation of a long lasting marketing strategy. You should self reflect and realize some basic facts about your company. Things to include in the marketing strategy include (but not limited to): your Mission, the Market Potential, your SWOT as opposed to your strongest competitors (a separate analysis should be conducted for this), your Target Audience, your Marketing Plan (more on this below), your Methods of Measuring Marketing Success (metrics and KPIs) and your Methods of Selling your product(s), along with your Methods of Measuring Sales Success.
Make sure you document everything down as this will form your manual upon which you will build your whole Marketing strategy.
Your Marketing PlanYou will need to decide what social media platforms to include in your Marketing strategy manual. This primarily depends on how many people you have at your disposal but also where each excels at (see above). Consider building a (monthly) marketing calendar. That way you will know beforehand what you have to post in each day of the month, which platform and when. Chop the (monthly) marketing calendar down in 4 weeks and assign a different feature of your product as the central theme of that week. Keep it simple yet concise. Work proactively on the calendar, not in the last minute before posting.
Social Media PlatformsThere are many social media platforms out there to choose from, each coming with its pros and cons and with its own unique features. We couldn't start to explain each (this is not this post's purpose) but you can find awesome resources in the Net or on each Social Media platform's database. Key takeaway here is to build a transparent, honest, human and consistent relationship with your audience or community and expand it.
You can do many more things but for starters these should be enough. Prioritise your goals, emphasize on your needs, and maximize your resources. Build a solid foundation in your community and expand from there. Paying for PR services later will only multiply your efforts if you have worked to achieve the above first.
As a side note, make sure everyone in your company abides to the same rules when it comes to public speaking. For example you should adopt a certain brand voice and make sure it is used by every Department. It would feel strange if your CEO used a formal language when addressing people, while your marketing team used a trivial and funny language, at the same time that your tech support spoke with customers in a totally informal -disrespectful?- manner. That is the consistency mentioned above.