
Topic: Nefario - page 7. (Read 198711 times)

Activity: 919
Merit: 1000
February 23, 2013, 04:01:17 AM
As a followup to this I have been contacted by Nefario's email address with some addresses to send the coins I'm holding to.

However, before I randomly send coins off to these addresses, I'd like to establish that they aren't addresses controlled by Nefario.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how that might be accomplished?

I'm thinking if I post the addresses and the holders are forum members we are reasonably confident aren't Nefario, they could somehow demonstrate they do in fact control the address, and then I could send the coins on. I have no idea how that demonstration could be accomplished. I'm a bookkeeper, not a developer.

Thanks for any input.

If this list is about refunding everyone 100%, first thing I'd consider is checking the list in the OP of GLBSE Payment Claims thread to identify those addresses that are still waiting for their remaining 10%.

Yet, the sum of the missing 10% from that list is tiny, compared to still pending refunds (e.g. friedcat alone is still waiting for ~1.7k BTC from GLBSE).

Your best take to verify the remaining addresses would be to post the list here and let forum members confirm via PM which they control. If those who believe their address is missing on the list also PMd you, this will give you already a quite reliable indication of how legit the list is. The only issue hard to resolve are those addresses from people not frequenting the forum or completely left Bitcoin scene. Most former GLBSE asset issuers donate the remaining funds after some wait period.

I did all this recently to repay my former investors and resolve the mess GLBSE left behind. It is a PITA lot of work and I feel sorry for you now being responsible for cleaning up mess you did not cause (alone). Good Luck.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1002
February 23, 2013, 03:49:38 AM
I'm thinking if I post the addresses and the holders are forum members we are reasonably confident aren't Nefario, they could somehow demonstrate they do in fact control the address, and then I could send the coins on. I have no idea how that demonstration could be accomplished. I'm a bookkeeper, not a developer.

Ask people to sign a string containing their e-mail address and/or forum account name with their claim address. They will send you the clear string and the signature. You can then verify that the signature matches the string using various tools. Satoshi Bitcoin client does this.

By the way, you could also ask people to re-submit to you their GLBSE claim addresses, however since addresses are pseudonymous, posting them here would also be acceptable.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
February 23, 2013, 01:44:42 AM
Hey all,

I had a call with James this morning, and he told be he could not communicate with the people holding the bitcoins he owes us, solely because he lost the flash drive with his private (GPG) key on it. I recommended the simple solution of giving the GLBSE trustees (Theymos and ColdHardMetal) the list of those who are owed funds, and trusting that they will treat the data and distribute the funds appropriately. He said "Huh, I hadn't thought of that". Then said that he will send them the lists when he gets home in a few hours. Could he really not think of this stupidly simple answer to this ridiculous problem on his own?

I'm quoting and sending this message to the two that he mentioned on the phone.

Also, he mentioned that he hasn't checked his glbse or doctor.nefario email accounts in over a month, and the forum for even longer.

Hopefully he'll bring himself to resolve this mess once and for all.


As a followup to this I have been contacted by Nefario's email address with some addresses to send the coins I'm holding to.

However, before I randomly send coins off to these addresses, I'd like to establish that they aren't addresses controlled by Nefario.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how that might be accomplished?

I'm thinking if I post the addresses and the holders are forum members we are reasonably confident aren't Nefario, they could somehow demonstrate they do in fact control the address, and then I could send the coins on. I have no idea how that demonstration could be accomplished. I'm a bookkeeper, not a developer.

Thanks for any input.
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 522
February 22, 2013, 03:33:20 AM
Hey all,

I had a call with James this morning, and he told be he could not communicate with the people holding the bitcoins he owes us, solely because he lost the flash drive with his private (GPG) key on it. I recommended the simple solution of giving the GLBSE trustees (Theymos and ColdHardMetal) the list of those who are owed funds, and trusting that they will treat the data and distribute the funds appropriately. He said "Huh, I hadn't thought of that". Then said that he will send them the lists when he gets home in a few hours. Could he really not think of this stupidly simple answer to this ridiculous problem on his own?

I'm quoting and sending this message to the two that he mentioned on the phone.

Also, he mentioned that he hasn't checked his glbse or doctor.nefario email accounts in over a month, and the forum for even longer.

Hopefully he'll bring himself to resolve this mess once and for all.


The gift that keeps on giving.
Activity: 853
Merit: 1000
February 21, 2013, 09:46:06 AM
Not sure if this last particular fiasco is his incompetent self, or his lying, scammy self.

There is no way to know sadly. Both are extremely believable :/

Welcome back Goat,

How does your lawsuit against Pirate is coming along? We can surely use your experience.

Was going fine until SEC. Now lawyer says wait and see if we can pick up the crumbs. I have no idea why but the SEC gets first in line for some odd reason :/.

That's a bit of a bummer given that there's no guarantee the SEC will actually end up taking any action against pirate.

True, but things are progressing.

How do you know this for certain?
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000
February 21, 2013, 08:22:16 AM
Not sure if this last particular fiasco is his incompetent self, or his lying, scammy self.

There is no way to know sadly. Both are extremely believable :/

Welcome back Goat,

How does your lawsuit against Pirate is coming along? We can surely use your experience.

Was going fine until SEC. Now lawyer says wait and see if we can pick up the crumbs. I have no idea why but the SEC gets first in line for some odd reason :/.

That's a bit of a bummer given that there's no guarantee the SEC will actually end up taking any action against pirate.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
February 20, 2013, 08:07:20 PM
Not sure if this last particular fiasco is his incompetent self, or his lying, scammy self.

There is no way to know sadly. Both are extremely believable :/

Welcome back Goat,

How does your lawsuit against Pirate is coming along? We can surely use your experience.

Was going fine until SEC. Now lawyer says wait and see if we can pick up the crumbs. I have no idea why but the SEC gets first in line for some odd reason :/.

GLBSE however might be a target, I'm pretty pissed off how this has ended. But then again SEC might be going after GLBSE so who knows...

Theres an old saying that without a body there isnt a crime.
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1000
February 19, 2013, 11:41:27 PM
I had a call with James this morning, and he told be he could not communicate with the people holding the bitcoins he owes us, solely because he lost the flash drive with his private (GPG) key on it.

Runs a stock market for bitcoins, yet can't keep track of a flash drive with a very important GPG private key on it... I am kinda amazed, but yea I kissed those coins good bye a while ago.
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
February 20, 2013, 09:51:09 AM
Not sure if this last particular fiasco is his incompetent self, or his lying, scammy self.

There is no way to know sadly. Both are extremely believable :/

Welcome back Goat,

How does your lawsuit against Pirate is coming along? We can surely use your experience.
Activity: 980
Merit: 1000
February 20, 2013, 05:04:43 AM
Not sure if this last particular fiasco is his incompetent self, or his lying, scammy self.
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
What's a GPU?
February 19, 2013, 04:56:19 PM
If he lost his GPG key, I won't be able to verify that the lists are actually from Nefario...

If it's gone, there's really nothing anybody can do about it. I see two options for you, theymos:
1) Trust that he is sending the accurate list, and do things the classic way and get a handwritten, signature signed contract mailed to you stating that the list is correct.
2) You sit on the coins indefinitely.

Sorry if I sound hostile toward you; I realize that James is the one at fault, but it is now your responsibility to take action with the intentions of resolving this mess.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
February 19, 2013, 04:24:57 PM
If he lost his GPG key, I won't be able to verify that the lists are actually from Nefario...

Arent the keys divided into private and public key? I believe your lists should be encrypted with public key so maybe he lost his private one.

Anyway... Nefario should come out plain where the money is and who dont want to pay back.
Activity: 5222
Merit: 13032
February 19, 2013, 03:51:44 PM
If he lost his GPG key, I won't be able to verify that the lists are actually from Nefario...
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
What's a GPU?
February 19, 2013, 02:39:24 PM
Hey all,

I had a call with James this morning, and he told be he could not communicate with the people holding the bitcoins he owes us, solely because he lost the flash drive with his private (GPG) key on it. I recommended the simple solution of giving the GLBSE trustees (Theymos and ColdHardMetal) the list of those who are owed funds, and trusting that they will treat the data and distribute the funds appropriately. He said "Huh, I hadn't thought of that". Then said that he will send them the lists when he gets home in a few hours. Could he really not think of this stupidly simple answer to this ridiculous problem on his own?

I'm quoting and sending this message to the two that he mentioned on the phone.

Also, he mentioned that he hasn't checked his glbse or doctor.nefario email accounts in over a month, and the forum for even longer.

Hopefully he'll bring himself to resolve this mess once and for all.

sr. member
Activity: 321
Merit: 250!
February 19, 2013, 01:05:16 PM
A friend of mine told me his telephone number was on the forums somewhere. Anyone has it by any chance? I can't find it.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1000
February 18, 2013, 04:43:23 PM
I STILL haven't gotten a list of shareholders for LOTTOMINING!

But I mean, I got the money so I'm not freaking out.  It's just like, that was how long ago now?
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
February 18, 2013, 06:22:41 AM
It looks like 1688.188BTC from asicminer are still not paid back. I hope they find their way back otherwise the asics have to work a good chunk of time to bring the loss back.

Its $44530.43 at the current exchange course (mtgox average). So if nefario really wanted to borrow money he will have a hard time paying back.
Activity: 1855
Merit: 1016
February 18, 2013, 05:18:06 AM
10% is still not given back.
For some, 90+10 % , not given back
Activity: 980
Merit: 1000
February 18, 2013, 04:50:09 AM
Funny thing is Nefario may have been living on stolen BTC that now are worth a lot more and he could be held liable for much much more than he spent.
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
February 12, 2013, 10:13:26 AM
I'm owed under 10btc. Has he paid back much at all and did nefario have it planned to exit like this with no intention of returning the btc?
After all of this time that has passed, I don't think it will be returned after no word from him in months.

Does anyone at all have contact with him?
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