Everyone knows, robots are becoming more and more present in our daily lives. According to IFR estimates, there are more than 12 million robots in the world. Indeed, robots can today be used to keep children or to help people with disabilities.
But robots do not just help us, they can also work for us! After replacing man in some factories, especially on assembly lines, robots are now tackling new jobs.
Roomba is a housekeeping robot already sold at 4 million copies worldwide. His little brother, Mahru-Z, a Korean humanoid robot has just been sold. These two robots automatically detect the different household tasks to be carried out, such as hanging clothes, washing dishes or setting the table.
Robokiyu is the firefighter of the city of Tokyo. Like any human firefighter, he is able to search for a victim in the rubble, for example, to establish a first vital prognosis and so necessary to give him first aid.
Robotics seems particularly well placed to create a large number of jobs in the future. Indeed, it should not be considered that robots replace humans. A study carried out by the IFR demonstrates the positive impact of industrial robots on employment.
In particular, it can be considered that the use of robots relieves the work of the employees since it makes it possible not to perform the most troublesome tasks or the most arduous but also the most dangerous.
Robotics thus appears to be a major driver for job creation at the global level. The IFR is also counting at 1 million the number of jobs that should be created over the next five years. These forecasts concern, in particular, consumer electronics, food and green energies (solar and wind).
40% of young graduates from engineering schools are directly employed in industry, mainly in large manufacturers and high-tech SMEs. In the same way, automation engineers are particularly sought after in all sectors that manufacture continuous products, in particular in the automotive, aeronautics, mechanical engineering or agri-food industries.
Finally, it should never be forgotten that humans will always be needed to create robots, if only to maintain them. We always start with the existent, that is to say, those who have the knowledge necessary to build the application.
Now in many enterprises, almost all work is done by robots. I am sure that every year their number will grow. People will fail to compete with robots. Few skilled jobs every year will be less. Pensions and taxes will decrease.