How the BitCoin network becomes centralized?Google translate original russian post from Sasha PortMan : first stage - it was possible mining at home on videocards.
The second stage - it was possible mining at home on farms from ten videocards.
The third stage - mining it is possible was at home on tens farms from hundred videocards.
The fourth stage - the whole industrial pavilions, from hundred ASIC of mayner.
The fifth stage - tens mega constructions from thousands of ASIC of mayner.
The sixth stage - mega the corporations which are engaged in a mining which will have huge territories on the areas which will be specially adapted under a mining.
And the seventh stage, final - the strongest corporations from corporations will survive. They will be then not only to control the prices, but also to carry out all transactions. If the price of a coin is low, the network and any transaction will simply stop won't be carried out while the price doesn't become favorable to a mining. But it will be already in the most final phase when all mining one or two mega will control corporations on the mining, under control certainly to the government. Because probably you know if someone starts controlling that not in power was to control before to the governments within the corporation, the governments shortly will start controlling the one who controls the uncontrollable.
In general, I consider a mining - an error of decentralization. All computing capacities once will appear in hands of one mega corporations that conducts to centralization and control from the governments. Satoshi when I created it, I he think knew and guessed to what at the end everything leads it. Freedom is given only in the beginning when everyone can мaйнить at home on videocards, thereby forming the decentralized network. But here its complexity grows and grows that finally leads to centralization and to total control, up to even before network destruction if supervisory authorities of it want. And most likely they will want because yet time will find as someone sold for BitCoins drugs or sponsored terrorism, and so on. BitCoin for them at present as a splinter which just like that can't be pulled out. But Satoshi created it everything temporary, as a result a ball one will govern mega corporation and sure to appear over it will rule the governments. It will be the beginning of the end of a network BitCoin.