1. Remove the video. People who worked on it will probably feel insulted but sometimes you have to put aside your ego. Most crypto videos only get 100s or 1000s of views. This is even true for the vast majority of Ethereum and other projects. Having a video on the front page is probably causing more people to quit than to consider NEM.
The most viewed Bitcoin clip only has 6.5 million views after 4 years; when let’s play streamers, pranksters and people playing with dolls can get more views in a week on YouTube. Conclusion: videos are a waste of time unless it's a product placement.
2. Answer the 5 Ws.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_WsEthereum did this well:
What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.
Ethereum is how the Internet was supposed to work.
Ethereum was crowdfunded during August 2014 by fans all around the world. It is developed by ETHDEV with contributions from great minds across the globe.
Ethereum on their frontpage does the Five W's
Who: EthDEV
What: Decentralized Platform
Where: Around the world / Internet
When: August 2014
Why: To make applications run better.
Can you brainstorm a list of the 5'Ws for NEM?3. Obfuscate or hide the buy option. Asking for money at the front door = scam on most people's radar. Replace it with a button called: "Get XEM" which links to another page, where the first options are non-purchasing (like run a NODE, bounties, et cetera) and the purchase option can be displayed at the end.
4. List all the ecosystem initiatives, projects and companies you can think of. Even the smallest ones.