Man no more joking around. make 22 the deadline for crying out loud. if they dont want to
redeem then tax them. what makes them so special to hold everyone else up. I mean come on. Sorry if I seem like im complaining but it's time that we get firm on the deadline.
if the deadline is extended then its going to be for a damn good reason.. decisions that are made are not made lightly and are ALWAYS for the betterment of nem. people need to understand that everything the team decides to do is for the good of nem and its community and most certainly not for personal gains/benefits. imagine what would have happened if we had launched a couple weeks ago or even a week ago like some people were calling out for? the network would have forked like it did, webstart would be causing many people problems and who knows what other issues would have popped up, all this resulting in a crashing price and near total loss of faith in the team.
but because of the decisions the team has made this has not happened. because of the decisions the team has made nem has not crashed and burned. because of the decisions the team has made we are still looking pretty damn golden and looking at taking the crypto world by storm.
would you rather the deadlines are not changed and we launch before nem is ready? you may think that is what you want but can assure you if we rush through this CRITICAL stage of nems development and if we do not mind every step we take and if we do not proceed with extreme caution nem could quite easily crash and burn like so many other 2.0 coins before us.
redemption is also a key part of this final stage. if redemption process is moving too slow and we have too few addresses then it is essential that the deadline be postponed so that we can reach a satisfactory number of claimants. with out optimal distribution, nem loses one of its most attractive attributes. this we cannot allow.
i can understand peoples frustration with delays and things seeming like they are not moving fast enough. i really can. im frustrated myself at times but when its a choice between rushing things, resulting in nem under performing, losing reputation or not fulfilling promises or even just totally crashing and burning OR taking things slowly, getting things right, keeping our golden reputation and taking the crypto world by storm with epic distribution, revolutionary - secure - heavily tested tech that can withstand the beating it will need to withstand after launch... i know what i would chose..
we get one shot at getting this right and one shot only. we fuck this up there is no going back to change the past. i think everyone will agree that we need to proceed with calculated, precision steps, ensuring to avoid any possible fuck ups along the way.
lets face it.. if we can pull this off.. its going to be totally and utterly epic beyond anything we have previously seen in crypto and people will take notice -
but we gotta get it right first time. no two ways about that.