No IPO? Huh? First you claim there's an Ethereum Alpha and then claim they have no IPO, you have no clue what's happening with Ethereum admit it. Don't waste my time by mentioning Gihub.
An IPO has been in the works for ages. Ethereum is drooling at the idea of a $30 million IPO (they used the token figure of 30,000 BTC but really were pricing $30 million in $Fiat).
By the way you have no clue about the history of crypto currencies, either. Amazon has already tried "Amazon Payments" and it didn't go anywhere which is proof that big money doesn't make something work. Technically, if you do your research, you'ld find that many many many companies are already in the transfer payment business but simply don't attract the userbase like Bitcoin or the alternates have.
It's like saying Boeing (aircraft) should start making automobiles but the reality is Boeing wouldn't have a clue on how to make a good automobile, neither can a company like Facebook or Google make a good crypto currency and they're already preoccupied with their own niches. If Google or Facebook gets into the game it's because they buy out someone like Ripple, not because they divert existing staff to create a crypto currency.
Ethereum is starting to get annoying. It's just a 18 year old mascot from Toronto (Goldmacn Sachs wanted a Justin Bieber to promote their coin) who pumps out drafts on Github and yet this kid is more well known than real Bitcoin developers or an alternate developer like Charlie Lee. I get it, he's "hip young and kewl" - Goldman Sachs should force Vitalik to undergo a make over so they can make him look like a boy band singer.
You said, "No IPO? Huh?" Then you pointed me to : to prove your point. You were dead wrong again in the first instance and then outdated in the second instance. That thread was started by Charles Hoskinson 5 days after UP mooted NEM and was not active since 6 February. Of course you don't know how much has changed since. And for your info, like UP, Charles Hoskinson has since left ethereum, although for a different reason.
People in this forum cried foul when NEM was said to be the same as Nxt by people outside the NEM community or disinterested in NEM. Well, the fact WAS true until NEM devs decided they should just do it from scratch.
Same thing with ethereum. They WANTED to raise fund and being techies they used the word IPO. Soon they found that IPO was not as simple as they thought it to be as it has its legal implications. They "dropped" the idea and called it pre-ether sales instead. And if you looked back at what I wrote, I was being very specific. I was pedantic when you kept saying IPO as there was no IPO in the true sense of it.
Your 30,000BTC and $30million numbers are outdated. It shows you know nothing! I am not here to protect ethereum. I just want us as community to be respectful of what others do and not to condemn them for whatever they are in here for. They have as much rights to claim what they are for, just as us in NEM. We revile at the slightest remark. It only reflects the type of people we are in this community.
Vitalik did not spike you. Why do you need to call him names? You are God that he is such a sinner?
Now, on the Alpha thing. I bet you don't even know that they have been testing their wallet some few months now. Even if you know, I doubt you can fire it up as you probably won't know what to do with the source codes in the Github. In fact, you know nothing about what's in the Github as revealed by yourself.
As for your remarks on Amazon, Google and Facebook, I rest my case because if I do, it will make you look like an absolute moron.
Much as you believe that Vitalik is some stooge, I have the equal right to believe the following of you:
You are not very smart and you shoot nonsense off your mouth
You are CfA and Taunsew of the same one person
You don't care about NEM. You are not a Nemster as you want us to believe you are. Should I say you are a Pumspter and Dumpster? You'd only want to show your apparent support of NEM so that it goes up and you dump.
You have no faith in the cryptos as demonstrated by the remarks you made.
You are a wet blanket and you have no positive attitude.
Most of all you are arrogant.
With this, I rest my case. And I don't wish to spend my time rebutting your baseless comments. I have bigger things to achieve with respect to building NEM as a world class platform that the 7 billion other people will want to use. The last thing NEM needs is some megalomaniac denouncing that everything else is rubbish and NEM is great without putting a thought of how to make it great. In legal term, this is ultra vires, so to speak.
Finally, if you want to pump and dump ether like the guy who got his $1500 just so easy, here is the link which you can keep tab on:
Go figure it out on how to earn your keeps if you are such a smart man.
Ad hominems are a logical fallacy and it is not a valid argument. If your only counter is that I am "not smart" and "a moron", then it goes to show that my argument regarding Ethereum is spot on. I provided irrefutable evidence on multiple points and you shoot it down because it doesn't fit your fantasy of Ethereum and now you retort with baseless insults. There's no Ethereum alpha and it's a ponzi scheme for wealthy investors, end of story.
Irrefutable...suits you then. Whatever.