In the long term they'll be fine, short term there have been better times to buy.
When catapults goes live and will have all those features mesion abouve after pup to at least to 5000sat new bottom will be 1.5k-2k
IF you compare NEM usage to any other top 10 crypto then you will see that.
I would balace price like 1NEM:10 Dash 1Nem:5Monero 1Nem:3Eth when catapult will deliver.
I think that catapult is making from NEM > NEM2.0 .
And real companies are starting to use that blockchain once they start creating assets on chain and control them that will be high time.
In crypto are PnD but... I don't know any coin like NEM that is really working with real business.
NEM is not ordinary bullshit about currency/mass adoption but NEM devs want NEM to be used once companies will start selling assets and controlling them on chain it will be huge.
Nem can change some part of concurrency.I must say NEM is silent innovator on other field that is not on radar of crypto pumpers.
That will be end game after catapult and in 5 yers later people will see that having super-node is a deal ( i hope )
What you want is a raspberry pi
or he can use remote harvesting from super-node but he have to remember that nodes are restarted from time to time.
So after every new release he will have to activate harvesting somewhere on node where are slots available.
Whole process is plain simple.
1) activate dlegated harvesting
2) find supernode with slots
3) run remote harvesting
Costs 6XEM + repeat process every new release