TO START NEMOSMINER WHEN YOUR RIG RESTART OR BOOTHello everybody, I am a french boy, I am a noob on bitcointalk
, I started mining with my 2 friends a few months ago. I think your work is great minerx117 and we all encourage you!
I don't know if it can bring anything but sometimes my mining rig crash. When it restarts it does not restart the software, maybe there is a function to restart it but I don't know.
I find/wrote a little script with Autohotkey to restart the machine. The script works very well when I double-click on it. At the restart it is starting well but I haven't yet had the opportunity to see that it connects correctly to Zpool because Zpool doesn't work very well this morning. I think the script is operational:
-Simply install Autohotkey=> click on desktop=> New => Autohotkey script
-Right-click on the AutoHotkey file => Edit script (replace all text in this script)
Paste your bat target text after "code = powershell" and before "run %comspec% /k %code%
My target is startzpool24hr on my desktop in "NemosMiner-v2.2.2-master" folder :
code = powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&C:\Users\JohnDoe\Desktop\NemosMiner-v2.2.2-master\NemosMiner-v2.3.ps1 -SelGPUEWBF '0 1 2 3 4 5' -SelGPUCC '0,1,2,3,4,5' -Currency USD -Passwordcurrency BTC -interval 120 -Wallet 1HFS7ZZmqiEmkaMzDuBZPeJ8kuk8ciudc3 -Location US -PoolName zpool24hr -Type nvidia -Algorithm poly,hsr,phi,keccak,xevan,veltor,lyra2z,skunk,tribus,c11,x11evo,lbry,skein,equihash,groestl,timetravel,sib,bitcore,x17,blakecoin,Nist5,MyriadGroestl,Lyra2RE2,neoscrypt,blake2s -Donate 5
run %comspec% /k %code%
-In the script you just pasted, don't forget to
modify with the full way:
to "&C:\Users\JohnDoe\Desktop\NemosMiner-v2.2.2-master\NemosMiner-v2.3.ps1
-Now you just need to
paste the Autohotkey script in the following folder:
%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
(the Windows search function will help you, with Cortona, more information about folder if needed =>,
Add AutoHotKey to the Startup Folder work for me but Task Scheduler is very capricious )
-Restart and
tell me if it worked for you.
Thank you for reading me and sorry for my translated English, kisses to all of you.
Maybe it is possible to make the modification directly in the original NemosMiner bat file but I just thought about it.
I have never received a small tip, it would be a pleasure if it were for you
BTC address: 1HFS7ZZmqiEmkaMzDuBZPeJ8kuk8ciudc3