I used to mine with Nicehash and my profit was about 0.0044 (2 x 1080 TI) and now I'm mining with Nemos-miner, but for some weird reason profit on zpool site is lower than that, because it is 0.0039 BTC.
To be honest it's really strange, because according to benchmark profit should be at least 0.005-0.006 BTC per day.
Is it something wrong with zpool site?
Same thing here, zpool profit is near 50% of nicehash, all seems ok, no reject, hashrate ok....¿?
Now I'm triying Mining pool hub with multipool miner, it seems a little less profit than nicehash too, not so low as zpool, but lower.
So I don't get it why switch from nicehash if it's so nice as you say it is!?