Iv set wirtual memory to min 32GB and max 64GB
https://i.imgur.com/mVTLYME.pngAnd its still crash on benchmarking.
Windows PowerShell transcript start
Start time: 20170627002058
Username: DESKTOP-L3U2POI\rig2
RunAs User: DESKTOP-L3U2POI\rig2
Machine: DESKTOP-L3U2POI (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.15063.0)
Host Application: powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command &.\NemosMiner-v2.0.5.ps1 -Wallet 3PpzUwnv7AEwHb76trMAcziAAa7aTD6Kwa -Location US -PoolName zpool -Type nvidia -Algorithm x11evo,veltor,lbry,skein,equihash,groestl,timetravel,sib,bitcore,hmq1725,x17,blakecoin,Nist5,MyriadGroestl,Lyra2RE2,neoscrypt,blake2s -Donate 5
Process ID: 6408
PSVersion: 5.1.15063.413
PSEdition: Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.15063.413
BuildVersion: 10.0.15063.413
CLRVersion: 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion: 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion: 2.3
Transcript started, output file is .\Logs\2017-06-27_00-20-58.txt
Miner Algorithm Speed BTC/Day BTC/GH/Day Pool
----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ----
CcminerTpruvot Sib 760,80 MH/s 0,03867 0,05083 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Timetravel Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,01197 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot hmq1725 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,35811 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Lbry Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00321 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot X17 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,16998 zpool-
EWBF Equihash Benchmarking Benchmarking 4 006,57000 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Veltor Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,04164 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot X11evo Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,03629 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Blakecoin Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00032 zpool-
CcminerKlaust MyriadGroestl Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,02470 zpool-
CcminerKlaust NeoScrypt Benchmarking Benchmarking 1,95597 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Groestl Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,03650 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Lyra2RE2 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,02553 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Bitcore Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,05224 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Blake2s Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00030 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Nist5 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,01299 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Skein Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00304 zpool-
Status: Running
Speed Active Launched Command
----- ------ -------- -------
0,00 PH/s 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes Once Bin\NVIDIA-TPruvot\ccminer-x64.exe -a lbry -o stratum+tcp://mine.zpool.ca:3334 -u 3PpzUwnv7AEwHb76trMAcziAAa7aTD6Kwa -p ID=N
Miner Algorithm Speed BTC/Day BTC/GH/Day Pool
----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ----
CcminerTpruvot Sib 760,80 MH/s 0,04334 0,05697 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Lbry 3,58 GH/s 0,01009 0,00282 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Timetravel Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,01197 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot hmq1725 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,35811 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot X17 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,17745 zpool-
EWBF Equihash Benchmarking Benchmarking 3 933,76000 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Veltor Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,04164 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot X11evo Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,03625 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Blakecoin Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00030 zpool-
CcminerKlaust MyriadGroestl Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,02457 zpool-
CcminerKlaust NeoScrypt Benchmarking Benchmarking 1,82741 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Groestl Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,03637 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Lyra2RE2 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,02518 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Bitcore Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,05224 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Blake2s Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00030 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Nist5 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,01660 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Skein Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00176 zpool-
Status: Running
Speed Active Launched Command
----- ------ -------- -------
0,00 PH/s 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes Once Bin\NVIDIA-TPruvot\ccminer-x64.exe -a timetravel -o stratum+tcp://mine.zpool.ca:3555 -u 3PpzUwnv7AEwHb76trMAcziAAa7aTD6Kwa -
p ID=NemosMiner-v2.0.5,c=BTC
Status: Idle
Speed Active Launched Command
----- ------ -------- -------
3,58 GH/s 00 Days 00 Hours 01 Minutes Once Bin\NVIDIA-TPruvot\ccminer-x64.exe -a lbry -o stratum+tcp://mine.zpool.ca:3334 -u 3PpzUwnv7AEwHb76trMAcziAAa7aTD6Kwa -p ID=N
Miner Algorithm Speed BTC/Day BTC/GH/Day Pool
----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ----
CcminerTpruvot Sib 760,80 MH/s 0,04334 0,05697 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Lbry 3,58 GH/s 0,01009 0,00282 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Timetravel Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,01197 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot hmq1725 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,35811 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot X17 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,17745 zpool-
EWBF Equihash Benchmarking Benchmarking 3 933,76000 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Veltor Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,04164 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot X11evo Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,03625 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Blakecoin Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00030 zpool-
CcminerKlaust MyriadGroestl Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,02457 zpool-
CcminerKlaust NeoScrypt Benchmarking Benchmarking 1,82741 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Groestl Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,03637 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Lyra2RE2 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,02518 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Bitcore Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,05224 zpool-
CcminerTpruvot Blake2s Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00030 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Nist5 Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,01660 zpool-
CcminerKlaust Skein Benchmarking Benchmarking 0,00176 zpool-
Status: Running
Speed Active Launched Command
----- ------ -------- -------
0,00 PH/s 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 2 Times Bin\NVIDIA-TPruvot\ccminer-x64.exe -a timetravel -o stratum+tcp://mine.zpool.ca:3555 -u 3PpzUwnv7AEwHb76trMAcziAAa7aTD6Kwa -
p ID=NemosMiner-v2.0.5,c=BTC
Status: Idle
Speed Active Launched Command
----- ------ -------- -------
0,00 PH/s 00 Days 00 Hours 01 Minutes Once Bin\NVIDIA-TPruvot\ccminer-x64.exe -a lbry -o stratum+tcp://mine.zpool.ca:3334 -u 3PpzUwnv7AEwHb76trMAcziAAa7aTD6Kwa -p ID=N