I will set my bet on Verge saying: "It's an exlorer bug, everything is ok, we just have the most buggy explorer ever;"
I'll set mine on: "difficulty goes up and down"
Dude just tell me one thing, are you getting payed to trash verge?i mean i understand and respect the fact you dont like verge but you are litereally posting about verge every single hour, we got your point you dont like verge, move on dude you are just being abnoxious and pathetic at this point.
this is not about 'not liking', this is a about a buggy shitcoin with an inept team buzzing around top30 on CMC, where it does not belong.
of course, this still goes to show how immatire the market in many respects still is, with clueless lunch money speculators jumping every hype train out there, and the fallout of butthurt gamblers is always sort of fun to watch (cryptsy anyone?)- but it does tarnish crypto as a whole, which is one of the reasons why guys like CHIEF56 keep on hammering down the message: XVG is
broken software.
besides, for an engineer, re-engineering techincal failures is a professional challenge, which is fun!
attacking the messenger and pretending the problem would go away if that pesky bearer of bad news would go away is really infantile.
like when a car company sells cars with brakes that don't work - seems you would not understand this, because braking is for ... douchebags, right Mr. Cool?
@vitaminas: Leave them here. They are making fools of themselves with every single post and dont even recognize it. In my opinion it is not only pathetic, it is even more pathological. One of these guys is mining XVG with his Baikal X10's but anyway he is spreading FUD every single day in this thread... And the best thing about that, there are other coins, that are more profitable to mine with the Baikal X10 than XVG... It is ridiculous... He tries everything to saw off the branch on which he sits... A case of heavy masochism i think... But the problem is, you cant convince such people, as they are completely resistant regarding facts... They have their own "truth" and they will never accept any other arguments, but their own arguments...
@l8orre: So if i understand you right, you are the one that decides which coin belongs to the Top30 and which does not? I always thought the market will decide that, and the market seems to think XVG belongs there. But sorry if i was wrong with that. I just did not know, that you decide that...
You should realize, that your opinion is obviously not the opinion of the major part of cryptoinvestors... This should be reason enough for you to think about that opinion again, dont you think? What makes you believe, that your opinion is right and the one of the major part of cryptoinvestors is wrong? Most time, if the majority's opinion is different from the one of a few guys, the majority is right. Not always, but most time...
If you think XVG does not belong to the Top30, what do you think about bitcoin? What is bitcoin? Well, it is not even kind of decentralized, it is slow, it is an ecological disaster, and it is technological antiquated... Thats our number one! It's sink or swim! And if you dont like the way the cryptomarket is working, feel free to leave it... Noone will miss you...