While trading we have to follow few rules and without following those rules there is no way to be a successful one except a successful by chance. There are lots of rules of them greedy plays a vital role. While trading never be greedy. If you become greedy while trading then you can be assured that there is 90% possibility to be a lessor.
This is truth that to be rich , we should not get into greediness because greediness Always forces us to take risk and also makes our mind like that we always see towards the positivity where no any type of loss we can see , but at the end there are lots of chances that we fall in the loss .
And also here if we want to become a perfect Rich with more stability and strong then we should take step by step small risk to make Investment and hold like things to become big earners in the incoming time .
Most of the times we get into the greediness that if we can hold the particular coin for more long term.then we can make much bigger but still there exists equal chances that can make the coin back to down the price , so here we should make cut out our principal amount of Investment then we should take any type of risk with that profit in trading .